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Sober Living Resources

Alcoholics Anonymous is considered a “we” program. Its success is based on the idea of one ex-drunk helping another. Other twelve step programs have followed suit, and people who are working toward recovery from alcoholism, substance abuse, overeating, and gambling addiction are able to do so by seeking out the support and friendship of others in recovery.

The best type of support is through face-to-face meetings. For those who are unable to get to face-to-face meetings, or who can’t get to meetings as often as they would like, there is a variety of support available online.

One of the best places to look for online support is Sober Recovery. This is a community of over 36,000 recovering alcoholics, addicts, and their friends and family. The forums are divided into categories, including alcoholism, narcotics addiction, and special sections for women in recovery, bikers in recovery, eating disorders, and many more.

AA Online offers 36 real time topic meetings in chat format. Approximately 50-80 people flow through each meeting. This format allows people unable to physically attend meetings to be in the ‘same room’ with other recovering alcoholics. It also allows a cloak of anonymity for those who are afraid of having their identities discovered at a face-to-face meeting.

Other online resources include:

Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous has links to both email and real time meetings.

Sober24 is a site providing an online fellowship which includes discussion meetings, chat groups, and recorded recovery shares.

Links to Recovery Chat Rooms are available, which include AA, NA, Eating Disorders, and Gamblers Anonymous.

Links to online meetings for AA, Alanon, NA, and other meeting types are available from 12 Step.

Weekly meetings are available from Staying Cyber. Meetings include discussion meetings, weekly step and tradition meetings, and a newcomers’ meeting.

AA Live Chat offers live chat meetings twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

The E-AA Group offers email recovery meetings, chat meetings, and discussion forums.

An alcoholism support group is available at Daily Strength.

The Lamplighters are one of the oldest and largest email AA support groups.

An ongoing interactive AA group is available from AA Forum Group.

Recovery Realm offers both chat rooms and forums.

Project Know offers unbiased information about drug addiction and drug rehabilitation.

Another great resource for alcoholics in recovery is the AA Grapevine, which is often called an AA meeting in print.

AA had humble beginnings, started by two drunks who both wanted to be sober. Now, only a little more than 70 years since AA first began, any alcoholic who wants to get sober and stay sober has plenty of choices for giving and receiving support from others in recovery, both in face-to-face meetings and online.

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Further Reading

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