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Methadone Treatment Programs

Methadone was first discovered in Germany during World War II, but didn’t make its way to the United States until the early 1950s. The process of discovering the efficacy of methadone in managing heroin addiction was a slow one, and it took another 20 years before methadone treatment programs were instituted in this country. One by one, methadone clinics have grown from avenues of detox into cash-industries that flourish as long as their clients continue the “maintenance” of their addiction.

If you are ready to stop being a slave to the clinic and start living free from the constraints of addiction and strict methadone regulations, Orchid Recovery Center is here to help.

History of Methadone Treatment Programs

When the federal government first instituted methadone treatment programs in the early 1970s, the idea was that the addict would undergo a 20-day detox. This was quickly found to be inefficient for a number of reasons, and soon the 20 days was extended indefinitely. As the public became more aware of methadone and how the clinics worked, concern over the use of tax dollars to help people maintain their opiate addiction spurred the government to create strict regulations around methadone and its usage.

Methadone and methadone treatment certainly has its place in treatment and is a highly effective harm reduction tool. However, after a certain period of time, the fear of withdrawal symptoms may keep some “on the juice” when they would be much happier and healthier without it. Unfortunately, methadone clinics don’t often provide therapy or rehabilitation and that is a huge part of successful recovery.

At Orchid Recovery Center, we can help women who are addicted to methadone make the final leap into a drug-free life with detox assistance and the comprehensive treatment they need to address all levels of addiction in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms.

The Need for Methadone Treatment Programs

There are a number of reasons why a methadone treatment program may cease to be the most effective form of treatment for someone taking slow and measured steps into sobriety. First, there are logistical concerns. Federal regulations require that clients at a methadone clinic show up in person to take their dose each day. When you have a job and a family, it is not always possible to maintain this commitment. You may have to give up opportunities to go out of town, go on vacation or take certain jobs in order to comply with clinic hours. Clients can earn “take-homes” in which they can stay out of the clinic a few days a week, but these are given only after when you follow even more strict guidelines and you are still required to come into the clinic to get more medication. This usually means standing in long lines and, for some, running into people from their past that present a threat to their recovery or being treated badly when others see you at the clinic and dub you “a junky.”

Health effects are also a concern as methadone is an opioid-based medication and long-term use has detrimental effects on the liver and kidneys. Many also experience side effects of the drug that prevent them from thinking clearly or that drain their energy when the medication kicks in. Once it starts to wear off, depending upon your metabolism, you may begin to experience withdrawal effects in the mornings before you receive your dose. Money may also be an issue as most have to pay for each and every dose. Location of the clinic, too, may also present difficulties, tying you to a certain neighborhood or town when you have opportunities to move on.

Opting for detox and enrolling at Orchid Recovery Center can help you make that final hurdle and learn to live without methadone.

Methadone Treatment Program at Orchid Recovery Center

At Orchid Recovery Center, we have inpatient and outpatient options for those who are working but would still like to break their addiction to methadone. Whether you are gearing up to drop those final milligrams or already have and feel like you are on shaky ground, we provide a woman-centered core of support where you can explore a number of alternative and traditional therapies in an effort to find your focus and reclaim your dreams. Call us today to get started.

Further Reading

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