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Methadone Addiction

Whether you are prescribed methadone for chronic pain management or for an opiate addiction maintenance treatment, methadone is itself an opioid-based drug that is highly addictive. Those who are addicted to heroin often will take methadone as a last resort if they can’t find their drug of choice. Others supplement their methadone maintenance dose with heroin and other opioid-based drugs to create a more intense “high.” No matter how you came by your methadone addiction or how you maintain it, if you need help breaking away and creating a drug-free life for yourself, Orchid Recovery Center is here to help.

The Availability of Treatment for Methadone Addiction

According to the American Methadone Treatment Association, an estimated 20 percent of heroin addicts in the United States switch over to methadone maintenance treatment each year. This means that more than 200,000 new methadone addicts are created each year just through this avenue alone. How many more begin methadone pain pill prescriptions to treat chronic pain? How many others subsidize heroin addictions with methadone pills purchased on the street? If only treatment for methadone addiction were as accessible as the methadone addiction itself.

At Orchid Recovery Center, you will find a unique, woman-centered methadone addiction detox and treatment facility. Here we offer help for your issues with methadone no matter how you came to be addicted to the drug.

Methadone Addiction: The Effect on Family

The effects of methadone addiction on the dynamic of the family as well as individual relationships is exponential. Whether taken by pill or in liquid form, methadone stays in the body for up to 36 hours. Depending upon how quickly the body metabolizes the drug, withdrawal effects may begin before it’s time for the next dose, making the person taking the drug feel ill and irritable. This illness as well as the often overwhelming effects of the drug when it kicks in an hour or so after taking it can make it difficult to be emotionally and mentally available to children and significant others when they need you.

At Orchid Recovery Center, a large part of your recovery will revolve around healing the fissures within yourself so that you will be more able to heal your relationships when you return home.

Methadone Addiction: The Effect on Work and Career

Family and friends are often forgiving, at least for a time, when it comes to the issues caused by methadone addiction. At work, however, the atmosphere is significantly less so. When other people depend upon you for information, a product or a service and you don’t come through in a timely manner, everyone loses money. An addiction of any kind but especially to opiates like methadone can cause you to trip up at work despite your best intentions, putting you in a position to lose your job, lose your clients and lose your livelihood.

Methadone Addiction: The Effect on Pregnancy

The effects of methadone addiction on pregnancy affect not only the woman carrying the child but the unborn baby as well. The pregnant woman addicted to methadone can expect to experience an inability to sleep or eat, premature labor, unexpected bleeding and emotional difficulty handling the changes that accompany pregnancy. Meanwhile, the unborn baby may have a low birth weight, early delivery, higher chance of miscarriage, slow growth and development in the womb and in early childhood, mental retardation, heart problems and birth defects. If you are addicted to methadone, it is imperative that you speak to a doctor about your options as soon as you realize you are pregnant to decrease the harm done to both of you.

Methadone Addiction Treatment at Orchid Recovery Center

Orchid Recovery Center is highly attuned to the unique difficulties that women experience in addiction and recovery. A drug rehabilitation center solely for women, we are staffed entirely by women and provide multi-faceted therapeutic options that range from the traditional 12 steps, support groups and one-on-one therapy to holistic techniques like yoga, meditation and art therapy. Call Orchid Recovery Center today for more information.

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