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Hormonal Therapy and Post-Menopause

Post-menopause, or the period after menopause, begins when a woman has not had a menstrual cycle and experienced menstrual bleeding for at least 12 months. This period is characterized by some of the same symptoms experienced during peri-menopause and menopause itself, but to a lesser degree in most cases, as well as a few new physical and emotional symptoms.

A woman in recovery has a doubly hard task during menopause and post-menopause. She must learn how to navigate not only the issues related to the hormonal changes but the added stress on her recovery as well. At The Orchid, we are dedicated to assisting women in handling every aspect of recovery, including hormonal shifts and stages. We designed a unique Hormonal Therapy program that is only available here at The Orchid, a program that assists women in becoming more aware of and in control of their bodies as they go through the process of peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause as menstruation stops.

The Signs and Symptoms of Post-Menopause

As your body settles in to being without the hormones and body changes that accompany menstruation, you will begin to feel things even out a bit even as your body begins to transform. Here are a few common signs and symptoms experienced by many women during post-menopause:

  • Hair thins and loses luster
  • Dry skin
  • Drooping breasts and flattening nipples
  • Backaches
  • Loosening teeth and receding gums
  • Abdomen loses muscle and gains fat
  • Body hair becomes thicker and darker
  • Bone loses marrow and becomes more fragile

Other issues are common during post-menopause as well, including vaginal dryness and sexual disinterest, problems sleeping, mental changes and decreased satisfaction.

Finding the Value in Post-Menopause During Recovery

Women in recovery are very familiar with the concept of learning how to focus on the positive aspect of a situation rather than negative consequences. During their addiction, many women hurt themselves and those they loved most financially, emotionally – even physically – but they still learn how to rebuild their lives and live with integrity and self respect.

During post-menopause, many women find that they feel liberated. They no longer have to worry about their menstrual cycles and the mood swings and physical discomfort that goes along with it. Without the worry of getting pregnant or the debate over whether or not to have (more) children, many women find the time and energy to devote to other pursuits and interests. It is not uncommon for women in post-menopause to go back to school, start a business, write a book or begin traveling in earnest.

Hormonal Therapy and Women in Recovery

Whether or not you have reached post-menopause, every woman in recovery will benefit from learning more about what to expect and how to handle the changes that occur. Hormonal Therapy at The Orchid seeks to address those issues and help women to plan and prepare. Knowing what to expect can mean a smoother transition through the hormonal stages and much less stress on recovery. Contact us today to find out more.

Further Reading

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