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12-Step Drug Treatment

What is 12-Step Drug Treatment?

The term ’12-step drug treatment’ refers to a model or approach to treating substance abuse that uses 12 spiritual and moral steps that help the addict or alcoholic to recognize a higher power, reckon with their past, make amends and move forward with their life without the use of drugs or alcohol. It is recommended that these steps be followed under the guidance of a peer in the group called a ‘sponsor’ and that meetings be attended regularly. Anonymity is an important aspect of 12-step treatment as it allows people to heal without repercussions at work, and as increments of time pass in which the addict or alcoholic abstains from using any intoxicating substances, recognition is given in the form of chips at the end.

What is the Goal of 12-Step Drug Treatment?

The goal of traditional 12-step drug treatment programs is abstinence. Though there are exceptions and off-shoot groups that modify the 12 steps in ways that better serve their members, it generally held that no matter what substance a person is addicted to, any use of intoxicating substances should cease completely. This means that, for example, alcoholics who attend Alcoholics Anonymous or AA are expected to abstain not only from the use of alcohol but other drugs as well.

At Orchid Recovery Center, we, too, believe in abstinence as a treatment goal and we combine 12-step drug treatment into our uniquely designed program. By adding holistic treatments and alternative therapies to traditional 12-step, we are better able to meet the spiritual, mental and physical needs of a woman on the road to recovery. Some of our alternative therapies include:

  • Yoga and meditation
  • Acupuncture and acupressure
  • Art therapy workshops
  • Body massage
  • Compassionate exercises and stretching

What is the Role of the Family in 12-Step Drug Treatment?

The focus of 12-step drug treatment is not on the family of the woman struggling with drug addiction but on the woman herself. At Orchid Recovery Center, we believe that the family can be instrumental to the success of a woman in recovery. Spouses, children, siblings, and parents as well as close extended family can all support the progress of the woman in treatment by learning more about the issues of drug addiction and learning how to break co-dependent and enabling behaviors. Positive support from family members can be vital to a woman’s growth and progress.

What is Different About Orchid Recovery Center?

Orchid Recovery Center focuses solely on the addiction issues of women. That means that all of our staff and our patients are women only, excluding no one based on age, race, ethnicity or cultural and religious backgrounds. Based as we are in beautiful Palm Beach, Florida, there is no better place for women to heal physically and spiritually while building solid relationships and positive habits that will serve as a strong foundation for a future without drug dependency.

Further Reading

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