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Crystal Meth Detox

Like any alcohol or drug detox, a crystal meth detox is no picnic. It causes withdrawal symptoms and can make you feel sick and uncomfortable. However, if you choose the right detox program and follow it up with an efficient crystal meth addiction treatment program, then it can lay the foundation for a solid recovery experience.

Orchid Recovery Center can help any woman addicted to crystal meth by providing a thorough crystal meth detox that starts the moment she walks through the door and continues after you leave. Crystal meth is an insidious drug, the effects of which tend to linger for as long as two years after you stop using. Orchid can help you learn how to live in such a way that you are constantly detoxing the drug out of your system and stopping its ill effects.

The Basics

A crystal meth detox is pretty simple. Defined as ridding the body of built up toxins, a detox goes to the next level when the one detoxing is a meth addict. Most meth addicts crave the “up” feeling provided by methamphetamine as well as the intense weight loss. When you’re suddenly without meth, the withdrawal symptoms are usually more mental and emotional than physical unless you’re coming off a run in which you’ve become extremely dehydrated. Extended sleeplessness and lack of food can play tricks on the mind resulting in a crystal meth detox experience that is a blurry, angry psychotic episode.

However, with the right medication sedatives you can get the sleep you need and avoid the unpleasantness. Your mental disposition will still be quite dim even when you wake. Severe depression counters the intense high of crystal meth and it is in this state that you will stabilize and prepare to head into treatment.

The Benefits

The benefits of kicking crystal meth are almost too many to name. The renewed health and return to normal eating patterns and a regular sleeping cycle offer you the chance to get your life back together. Working a job is now possible again as are healthy relationships with family and friends. Possibility is another benefit of detoxing off of crystal meth. You suddenly have a wide range of opportunities open to you without the debilitating paranoia, agitation and depression that accompany addiction.

The Obstacles

The obstacles to entering into a crystal meth detox program are larger in your imagination than in reality. In the depths of crystal meth addiction, paranoia and hallucinations can convince you that sleep is your enemy and that there are even worse enemies lurking behind every door. This means that the largest obstacle is overcoming these feelings and getting into a crystal meth detox before the suicidal feelings and depression begin.

Once in a crystal meth detox program, this depression can become intense but with medical help, it should be manageable. Hallucinations, delusions and insomnia can be treated as well. Any violent and aggressive feelings can also be handled. The possibility of permanent psychological issues is a real one, and this will require ongoing medical treatment after detox and rehab but treatment should begin during detox. Any other physical medical disorders should be identified as quickly as possible and acute issues can be treated immediately. No obstacle is too large to overcome and quick entrance into a crystal meth detox is crucial if using methamphetamine has become a regular habit.

Is Detox the Only Treatment for Crystal Meth Addiction?

Crystal meth detox is the only form of treatment that speaks solely to the initial phase of breaking the body’s mental and physical addiction to crystal meth. However, in and of itself, it is not a complete crystal meth addiction treatment. In combination with a full crystal meth addiction treatment at a crystal meth rehab like Orchid Recovery Center, crystal meth detox is an essential part of a healthy and safe treatment for addiction to crystal meth.

Can I Do It At Home?

It is not recommended that you attempt to detox off of any drug including crystal meth at home alone. Without the supervision of medical professionals, you may find yourself without assistance should you run into unexpected health complications. Also, too many who try to run their own crystal meth detox find that the emotional hold of the drug is too much to combat on their own. They end up using the drug again even when they don’t want to, just to stop the deep depression that ensues in order to feel normal again. When you undergo a crystal meth detox at an accredited mental health facility and drug rehabilitation center like Orchid Recovery Center, you significantly increase your chances of success due to the medical assistance on site and the emotional support and structure that will keep you from relapsing.

Do I Need Detox?

If you are addicted to crystal meth, speed, crank or any other form of methamphetamine, you need a crystal meth detox. It is the only way to build a solid foundation in recovery, one that you should immediately build upon through a crystal meth addiction treatment.

Crystal Meth Detox at Orchid Recovery Center

At Orchid Recovery Center, we offer women who are suffering from crystal meth addiction alone or in combination with addiction to other drugs a place of respite where they can effectively treat their addiction. Beginning with a crystal meth detox that is immediately followed by a crystal meth addiction treatment, our crystal meth rehab is comprehensive as well as holistic in nature, treating the mind and body simultaneously. If you have any questions about our crystal meth detox or crystal meth rehab, contact us at Orchid Recovery Center today for more information.

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