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Your Choices Affect Your Drug Addiction Journey

Starting drug treatment can feel like jumping across the Grand Canyon.  When you finally make the choice to go, you surrender a part of you.  But that’s precisely the part that lets things happen.  It seems so odd that to start being healthy you have to give in.  And that takes a huge leap of faith – there’s no proof or guarantee that drug rehab will keep you sober the rest of your life.

Drug Addiction Lifestyle Could Be Deadly

Surrendering is a choice, a difficult one, but still a choice.  Some people faced with near certain death still choose to stay with their drug addiction lifestyle.  For reasons that can be difficult to understand, some drug addicts and alcoholics do not let go of their addiction mindset long enough to become engaged in drug treatment.

The addiction mindset will do everything possible to make you believe that even when things are really bad, you still don’t need any help.  Yes, even though it would make sense to ask for help, somehow you can justify that it won’t work or isn’t necessary.  The world of sobriety can seem so foreign that it’s dangerous.

Something Takes Over With Drug Addiction Thinking

Much like a mental illness, drug addiction can seem like a alien possession.  Something else seems to be calling the shots, not your good sense.  Something in your mind is trying to tell you that the voice you hear inside is really you.  Except that it’s actually the addiction talking.  You hear family and some old friends telling you how different you are.  Some people have cut you off because of your behavior.  You don’t feel so comfortable around your own town anymore.  Yet…something still tells you those other people don’t know what they’re talking about.

When you choose to really trust the people who care about you instead of that voice inside, that’s when you can take the first step towards drug treatment and recovery.  It may feel like you are walking blind across a busy freeway, like starting drug rehab is the most reckless scary thing you’ve ever done.  But it’s this choice that helps you turn down the volume on the addiction voice and turn up the volume on your own real inner voice.

Drug Rehab Isnt Perfect But Its A Good Start

You can finally start thinking and speaking in a way that brings you into good health and sobriety.  When that healthy inner voice gets louder, you can see more easily the difference between your addiction choices and your recovery choices.  That doesn’t mean you won’t relapse or have temptations.  Nobody’s perfect, not even people who’ve been sober their whole life.  But you sure stand a better shot at sobriety when you keep making positive choices.  That’s what support groups and drug treatment are for.  They are like the hand railings on your addiction recovery pathway.   You are the one walking, but the hand railings give you support and confidence as you move forward.

Making choices for sobriety can be so difficult sometimes.  But the more healthy choices you make, the more you get familiar with the choice.  Sobriety may still be somewhat difficult and scary sometimes, but each positive choice can help you along the way.

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