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Woman Pays for Crystal Meth Addiction with Fraud

Kristie Constantinoff was recently arrested on multiple charges of fraud – she pleaded guilty on all counts because, according to her attorney, her crystal meth addiction drove her to it.

The woman’s fraud of choice was to find receipts in the parking lot of major stores like Wal-Mart, then go in and steal some of the items on the receipt and return them for a refund. She defrauded more than $2000 in 2010 using this method.

Crime to Pay for Crystal Meth

According to Constantinoff, her crystal meth addiction cost her about $100 each day and the money she got from her fraudulent dealings went toward the support of that addiction. It’s not an uncommon reason behind crime; in fact, many communities notice a rise in the rate of drug addiction that parallels the rise in rate of drug dependence and abuse. The down side is that it can ultimately mean incarceration for people who would better benefit from drug rehab. The up side is that, in cases where the penalty is small or where drug courts are available, arrest can help those who need it get into addiction treatment and walk away from both crime and addiction forever

Repaying Debts Incurred During Active Addiction

Since the time of her arrest, Constantinoff has undergone drug rehab and gotten back on track. She is even employed now and would like to repay her debt. Her ability to pay was a big part of how her sentence was determined and her rehab experience as well as her demonstrated ability to remain sober and employed are likely what will keep her out of jail.

The ability to repay debts incurred during an active addiction is a healing act on many fronts. It can help the addict to assuage feelings of guilt or regret and give the victim an opportunity to heal as well. In some cases, it can even kick start the process of repairing broken relationships. At the very least, the person in recovery can learn how to have positive interactions with others, and going through the act of apologizing and making amends can be a good practice of humility that will benefit the patient going forward.

The Process of Healing

When crystal meth addiction is causing life changing problems, patients can begin the healing process by enrolling in a crystal meth rehab. Contact us at The Orchid today to learn more about the drug addiction treatment program options we have available for women. Call now.

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