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What are the Symptoms of Anxiety?

What are the Symptoms of Anxiety?

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If you’re like me, you are probably all too familiar to the feeling of anxiety. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stressful situations however for some people, anxiety can take over their lives and prevent them from overcoming obstacles.

Anxiety and depression are so commonly conjoined together that they might as well be sisters.   Just like depression, anxiety is more common in females striking twice as many females as males. Although the occasional moment of anxiety is totally normal, some people suffer from every day anxiety. The type of all-over anxiety that some suffer from is called Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Other anxiety related disorders include panic attacks and obsessive compulsive behaviors that result from anxiety.

According to research, anxiety typically arises during childhood due to a combination of biological and environmental influences. Some people have a genetic predisposition to anxiety however this does necessarily mean they will suffer from anxiety.  Early traumatic experiences can reset the body’s normal fear-processing system so that it is more sensitive to stress.

Anxiety causes the exaggeration of worry and negative outcomes that ruminate in a person’s mind constantly. Often anxiety is accompanied by physical symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, stomach cramps, and frequent urination. Anxiety is often treated with therapy with or without medication to control symptoms. These two options have been very effective against anxiety.

Common Symptoms of Anxiety

  1. Physical anxiety symptoms
    Anxiety results in a fight/flight response in our bodies. Common physical anxiety symptoms are increased heart rate and increased blood flow. Anxiety can also make you numb in your hands and feet resulting in tingling. Goosebumps are related to making hair stand and making animals look larger and scarier. Sweating is also a common symptom of anxiety. People who suffer from panic disorder, health anxiety and social anxiety tend to over-monitor their physical sensations. Blushing is a common symptom of social anxiety. High worries often have muscle aches and tensions.
  2. Cognitive anxiety symptoms (thoughts)
    People with social anxiety worry about their anxiety around others. They think people will judge them for being boring, stupid or unattractive. People with generalized anxiety disorder feel their anxiety will harm them. They also feel worrying is necessary to be prepared and stop mistakes. People with anxiety tend to overestimate the likelihood of something negative happening. Most importantly, they feel as though they would be unable to cope with the negative event.
  3. Behavioral symptoms of anxiety
    A common behavior symptom of anxiety is avoidance. Those with anxiety avoid situations or actions they fear will trigger anxiety and situations in which they cannot escape their anxiety. They may avoid situations where they may not be able to perform as perfectly as they would like. Anxiety causes a person to overcompensate. Certain types of anxiety result in over-checking and under-checking. A person with anxiety who is anxious about their weight may weigh themselves very frequently to avoid weight gain.

There are many forms of anxiety that can manifest itself to us. Anxiety is a debilitating emotion that can hold a person back from living a full healthy life. More importantly, anxiety can result in the desire to abuse substances which overtime an lead into an addiction. Because anxiety is so debilitating, those who suffer from it the most will do anything, even abuse drugs, to overcome their intense feelings of anxiety.

The good news is that anxiety can be worked through and overtime, a professional can help you create tools to overcome you anxiety. Do not wait to self-harm to deal with you anxiety. Get help with your anxiety now. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll-free 1-800-777-9588.

Author: Shernide Delva

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