Twelve Step and Informal Support Groups
Social support is one of the most important part of the sober lifestyle. Addiction thinking can be so toxic if any recovering addict stays isolated. When addicts can be around others who are on the same journey and fighting the same battles, they can get through the tough times. They know they aren’t alone in their struggle with addiction and sobriety.
Twelve Step Format Part Of Addiction Recovery

Twelve Step Programs and Drug Rehab
Twelve step groups have been a part of drug addiction recovery for decades. They have helped millions of drug addicts and alcoholics recover from their addictions and stay sober. Drug treatment programs have also used the twelve step format and group counseling and individual counseling.
Traditional twelve step groups have a spiritual component. Addicts are encouraged to look to a higher power to help them through their addiction recovery process. More recently, a few recovery group networks have formed with a more secular approach. This has been an effective alternative for those who do not want to focus so much on spirituality.
Not all support groups are formally organized with national support. Many groups are created and kept alive in individual communities. Churches are common place for informal addiction support groups. Some focus just on women, some just on men, some on couples with addiction.
Twelve Step Support For Women Easier To Find
It has been getting easier to find formal and informal support groups for women with addiction. Just like drug rehab for women, support groups just for women do something no other kind of group can. When women gathered together to help each other, the collective feminine spirit is more powerful than any one woman could have on her own.
Women who support each other through difficult times and positive times when social net work. More than just a group of friends, a woman’s social support network is vital to her well-being. Addiction recovery is a time when women need their social support network to be strong. Whether they have been through drug rehab or think they probably need to go, their social network can help them all the way.
Find Support From Women Before and After Drug Treatment
If you are a woman with a drug or alcohol addiction, it’s time for you to have the support you need. You do not have to go through this alone. There are so many other women who have been in the place you are right now – women inĀ twelve step groups, addiction support groups groups in churches, young moms groups. Find a support group that feels like a good fit for you and let them help you make sobriety a reality.