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Ten Most Common Places Teens Hide Drugs

Secret Stash: Ten Most Common Places Teens Hide Drugs

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Teenagers are clever when it comes to hiding their secret possessions. When it comes to hiding drugs, there is no exception. The hiding spaces are limitless. If your teen is the norm, their room is likely disheveled and it would be difficult to find simple items in the midst of it all. However, if you suspect your teenager is hiding their drug use, you probably are eager to confirm your suspicions.

The good news is a recent article released the ten most common places teens hide their drugs. Of course, it is up to you if you want to break their trust and dig through their possessions. However, as a parent, if you feel your teenager’s safety is in question, you want to do everything in your power to get them the treatment they need. While being paranoid never a good quality, neither is denial.

10 Most Common Places Teens Hide Drugs

  1. Writing Utensils

    Items like pens, highlighters or markers can be used to conceal items like pills, pot, or powdered substances. Check beneath marker caps and inside pen tubes. Teens are creative, and addiction is a disease that makes teens sneakier than ever.

  2. Cans and Wrappers

    That innocent empty soda can be a diversion. These cans either be homemade or purchased online. If you see a can of soda or food wrapper on a daily basis, there may be more than what meets the eye.

  3. Personal Hygiene and Makeup

    Empty lipstick tubes? Deodorant Sticks? Empty Shampoo Bottles? Yup, all of these are possibilities. Teens will empty and hollow out any of these items to hide their stuff. Items like empty shampoo bottles or even perfume containers can be emptied washed and used to store drugs and alcohol.

  4. Vehicles

    Cars are super common places for teens to hide their drugs. The chances are lower that you will check in their personal vehicle, plus there are so many compartments to store things in. Check under the seat, under the hood, behind the dashboard. Often, teens conceal drugs in tea bags and tape them around the car.

  5. Bathroom toilets and vents

    Bathroom toilets and vents could be hiding drugs. Even the toilet is an easy choice considering it’s the last place anyone wants to look. Bathroom vents are easy to remove and replace making them an ideal location for teens to store things.

  6. Candy Containers and Wrappers

    Those Altoid tins are not just for storing mints, sorry to say. Candy containers are great concealment devices. They are easily accessible and discreet. Keep an eye on these containers especially if your teen always seems to have them

  7. Belt Buckles

    Teens are clever, remember? So clever that one teen discovered how to add a secret compartment in their belt to hide drugs. Now, it has become a popular method of storing drugs without any suspicion.

  8. Posters and Wall Hangings

    What seems like simple wall décor could be a disguise for drugs. Don’t let your teen’s knack for interior design fool you. It may be a façade to hide a drug stash. Teens will flatten drugs and tape them behind posters or picture frames. It might be worth a peak if you suspect your teen is hiding something.

  9. Books

    Because who reads those things anyway? Just teasing, but books act as a great disguise for drugs. Teens can carve our pages to create a drug safe. Don’t let the books fool you. There may be more than words inside the pages.

  10. Mattresses and Toys

    Teens may cut holes into their stuffed animals or use their video game unit as a storage space. While you think your teen is still attached to their fuzzy teddy bear, they might be using it to store drugs. Pat attention if your teen seems to have an unusual attraction to a certain toy in their room.

Do not be left in the dark when it comes to where you teen is hiding drug. While no one wants to lose their child’s drug, losing them to the disease of addiction is even harder. If your gut tells you something is wrong, the time is now to take a closer look. Protect your teen from drug abuse and addiction. Call today.

From light switches to outlet plates, don’t be left in the dark with where your teen could be hiding drugs. Paying close attention to the signs of drug use is important. If you suspect your teen is using drugs, please seek professional help. If your gut is telling you that your teen is hiding something, take a closer look at those seemingly innocent items lying around the house. Ignorance is never bliss when it comes to protecting your child from drug abuse and addiction. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll-free 1-800-777-9588.

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