13 Hacks to Becoming a Morning Person
If you’re a night owl, chances are you just don’t *get* morning people. Well, with a little dedication and action, you, too, can learn to be more energetic and spritely in the morning. Here are 13 hacks to becoming a morning person. 1. Practice good sleep hygiene One of the best ways to ensure . . . . Continue Reading
The Brain-Gut Connection and Anxiety
Are you taking a daily probiotic? Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet? If you couldn’t already tell, this article might get a little personal. After all, we’re talking about the health of your gut and if you’re ‘regular.’ Understanding the mind-body-spirit connection is essential to good physical health and mental well-being. That’s why holistic treatment, whether . . . . Continue Reading
9 Ways To Let Go Of Jealousy
First of all, it’s important to remind yourself that you are a human being and that all human beings, as social creatures, experience jealousy at times. It’s completely natural. However, if you find that you are overwhelmed by jealous thoughts and feelings and that you even act out on them, it’s time to take a . . . . Continue Reading
What to do when he just stops calling
You and this guy are having a great time together, everything seems perfect! What do you do if out of nowhere, he just stops calling? Before we got sober most of us would go drink or drug this problem away; now that we are in recovery it isn’t that easy. We actually have to deal . . . . Continue Reading
Holistic Drug Treatment in Florida
Holistic Drug Treatment in Florida is a unique approach to addiction recovery. In Holistic Drug Treatment they offer yoga, meditation, art therapy, massage therapy and mind, body and soul treatment. This type of treatment can be very effective since this is a three part illness. The approach focuses on the physiological, emotional and spiritual needs . . . . Continue Reading
5 ways to deal with chronic pain without medication
We hear it all the time, “I really need to be taking this medication,” or “I have so much pain and actually need this,” and “The doctor prescribed it so it should be okay.” It’s a constant battle for people in recovery, live with the pain or take the medication and not be sober? What . . . . Continue Reading
5 New Ways to Meditate
If you have been meditating and need some ideas to freshen up your routine or you don’t know where to even start, this article is for you. We are here to share 5 new ways to meditate and here they are: