How Symptoms of PTSD Can Lead To Addiction
Most of us have some idea of what Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is. The disorder has been researched for decades, formally known under names like “shell-shock” and “soldier’s heart.” We are aware now that PTSD can affect anyone, regardless of their military background. PTSD continues to circulate in our society. The illness is common among those in . . . . Continue Reading
Yoga Shown to Lower Cost of Insurance Benefits for Employers
Author: Shernide Delva If your employer does not offer yoga and meditation classes, you may want to show them this article. A growing body of research has revealed the yoga and meditation can actually keep you away from the hospital and lower the cost of insurance benefits at your workplace. Yoga initiatives in the work . . . . Continue Reading
Meditation May be Bad for Memory
Author: Shernide Delva When it comes to meditation, the benefits to our mental and physical well-being have pretty much been drilled into our heads over and over again. Admittedly, I am one of those people that constantly rave about how great it is to learn how to incorporate meditation into your life. So all of . . . . Continue Reading
Your Brain on Prayer: It’s Like Taking Acid
Yes, you read the title of this article right. Clever, wasn’t it? The concept of “your brain on drugs” is typically a series of symptoms and effects that your mind experiences when you are under the influence of narcotics, but what about when you are under the influence of spirituality? Some people say they are . . . . Continue Reading
More Meditation Feeds Creativity
Creativity is an indispensable part of life that gives meaning to shapes and emotions to stories. With creativity we soak up our surroundings and create feelings through those colors and sounds. We translate our inner selves with unique expressions and innovative actions that are both original and inspired, all the while seeking more knowledge to . . . . Continue Reading
7 Earmarks of a Healthy, Lasting Relationship
By Cheryl Steinberg People who are in healthy relationships understand that, at the heart of it, there is mutual respect and love. That is, respect and love for self, each other, and for the relationship. But there are other facets of healthy, long-lasting relationships. Now, that isn’t to say that healthy relationships are completely . . . . Continue Reading
Movement Therapy for Addiction
By Cheryl Steinberg You can often find “holistic” doctors nowadays as more and more understanding has developed when it comes to treating the things that ail us. And the same goes for drug and alcohol treatment. Holistic medicine – which is even recognized by the more traditional, westernized mode of medicine – treats the person . . . . Continue Reading
Let Your Inner Phoenix Out
For those of you who are unfamiliar with or who need a refresher about, the story of the phoenix comes from Greek mythology and is the story of a bird that bursts into flames and then rises again from the ashes. It’s a symbol of rebirth, change, renewal, and most of all, rising above . . . . Continue Reading
Holistic Drug and Alcohol Treatment for Women
(This content is being used for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted in the content is a model) What is Holistic Drug and Alcohol Treatment for Women? Holistic is a term that means “whole” and “complete.” Therefore, when considering getting help for substance abuse, the approach of holistic drug and alcohol treatment for women . . . . Continue Reading
Holistic Drug Treatment for Women
What is Holistic Drug Treatment? An holistic approach to health is one that views the person as a whole and seeks to treat all of their needs: psychological, physical, and social. Holistic drug treatment for women understands the importance that all of the aspects that make us human beings need to be taken into . . . . Continue Reading