6 Ways the Second Year of Sobriety is Different from the First Year
If your first year of sobriety was anything like mine, it was a whirlwind of excitement and new experiences – both good and bad. Honestly, my first year was a blur. I was definitely riding the pink cloud for most of it. They say everyone’s journey is their own – and I totally agree. However, . . . . Continue Reading
13 Self-Affirmations Every Woman Should Know
“When sleeping women wake, mountains will move.” Chinese Proverb It’s no secret that women, especially alcoholics and addicts – whether in their active addiction or in recovery from it – tend to suffer with low self-esteem. This is a result of societal messages, passed down through community and family members as well as being a . . . . Continue Reading
9 Signs You Are Too Judgmental
Judging people, it’s like eating a whole tub of cookie dough to yourself. It’s terrible for you, but sometimes you just get carried away, and other times it just makes you feel better (or worse) about yourself. Taking other peoples inventory is so easy because it makes it easier to avoid reflecting on our own, . . . . Continue Reading
Toxic Friendships: 6 Signs It’s Time to Move On
Florence Isaacs, author of Toxic Friends/True Friends explains that “there has to be balance in a friendship for it to be healthy – not one person whose needs get met and another whose needs are overlooked.” Toxic friendships aren’t necessarily easy to spot, once you’re in one. They have a tendency to be the type . . . . Continue Reading
5 Ways To Stop Gossiping
“If you propose to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind” –Buddha Buddha says it perfectly; but what are some ways to avoid gossiping? It’s hard to stop gossiping; it has been proven that two people form a stronger bond over talking badly or sharing a dislike for someone. . . . . Continue Reading