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Support Systems in Recovery: How Women are Helping Each Other Fight Cocaine Addiction

One of the most important factors in anyone’s successful cocaine addiction recovery is the support system that patients create to help them through the tough times. Women, especially, need a strong emotional support system in order to be successful without drugs and alcohol in recovery –and many have found benefits to creating woman-centered system of support that is mutually beneficial to all.

Through woman-centered 12-step meetings, therapy sessions, and drug rehab programs, women are finding in larger and larger numbers that banding together can be most effective in helping them to stay clean and sober for the long term.

Woman-Centered Cocaine Addiction Recovery Meetings

There are a number of 12-step meetings and other support groups for those breaking free from cocaine addiction that are for women only. Here, participants can feel safe to share the stressors of the day, issues with significant others, and other issues that they may not feel comfortable sharing when men are in the room. Participants exchange phone numbers and often make themselves available for coffee or support when cravings strike. Often, women form lifelong friendships based on the experiences they have in 12-step cocaine addiction recovery.

Woman-Centered Cocaine Addiction Therapy

Group therapy sessions or private therapy sessions with a female therapist and/ or female participants can provide similar mechanisms of support found at woman-centered 12-step meetings but with a more psychologically therapeutic bent. Working with a medical professional means that you will receive medical guidance in addition to the support of other women in the group. A therapist who can help you navigate the emotional issues and issues of sexual trauma can be of great assistance in an ongoing recovery and is one of the best choices to make after completing a cocaine rehab program.

Woman-Centered Cocaine Rehab

If you are seeking woman-centered cocaine detox and addiction treatment, there are drug rehabs for women that provide just that. Here you will find an all-female staff and female peers who will help you through the process of leaving cocaine addiction behind. Starting with a cocaine detox to handle the physical effects of cocaine addiction and continuing with comprehensive cocaine addiction treatment, a woman-centered cocaine rehab can help you build a strong foundation in recovery and help you begin the process of working through trauma that occurred before or during your cocaine addiction and help you learn how to better handle the stressors that come your way without relapse. Contact us at Orchid Recovery Center to find out how we can help.

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