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Starting Drug Rehab is the Hardest Part

Tom Petty had it wrong – waiting isn’t the hardest part, it’s starting.  You know you should go to drug rehab, but you just can’t get yourself going.  It’s not the right time, or it will be too hard, or something.   So why don’t you get started?

Fear Stops People From Starting Drug Rehab

Fear – fear is a huge barrier for people starting new and different things.  What if it’s awful?  What if I freak out?  What if they can’t really help me because I’ve done too many drugs?  What if I don’t get along with anyone there?  What will happen to my kids and family?  How can I stop my whole life just to do this rehab thing?  What if it doesn’t work when I come back?

All of those questions are based on fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of hard work, fear of facing the truth, fear of….whatever – you fill in the blank.    You don’t really need rehab – you don’t have a drug addiction.  You are needed much more at home instead of taking some “vacation”.  You can stop on your own without doing all that.  Nothing you can learn there than you can’t learn by talking to your friends.  So-and-so did alcohol rehab and she was drinking again in two weeks, so why should you bother? 

Drug Addiction is The Hell You Know

No matter how awful it may be, many people would much rather choose the hell they know than the hell they don’t know.  They choose a small measure comfort over the positive gain with some uncertainty.  It may seem weird, but we are all creatures of comfort.  Even making small habit changes can feel annoying for a while. 

When you start to exercise, the first couple of weeks are the worst because your body and mind are adjusting and it hurts.  At this point, it may seem like it really isn’t worth it – except for the people who hang in there a little longer.  Soon, they start to feel an emotional lift after completing a workout, enjoyment from trying a new twist in their routine, the lessening of muscle soreness, looking forward to exercise time on the calendar. 

Everybody Fears Change But Fear Doesn’t Have to Own You

Does starting a new exercise habit compare to the challenge of drug rehab?  Not exactly.  A stint in drug rehab is far more taxing than going to the gym every day.  But the principals of procrastination and resisting significant change are the same.  The positive benefits outweigh the temporary discomfort and stress.  If you can just get your foot in the door, the worst of the adjustment is most likely behind you. 

Fear gets its power from staying in the shadows.  You don’t really know how large the problem is if it stays hidden.  Speak your fears and hesitations out loud to someone you trust – a friend, a pastor, a family member.  When you talk out loud with another person, you may discover that the problem is more manageable than you had thought.  Or, you may realize that your concerns aren’t weird or stupid – they are normal and can get better. 

Take One Small Step and Start Drug Rehab Today

If you are a woman who needs drug treatment, getting started can feel challenging.  Take one simple step and contact the Orchid Recovery Center for Women.  They can answer questions, calm your concerns, and get you started in drug rehab with loving care.  Don’t wait to get your life back – you can face your fears and start drug rehab.

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