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Sober Living for Women

Sober Living for Women

Sober Living for Women Residences: What to Expect

The average stay at a sober living for women residence can be anywhere from one to six months and sometimes your health insurance plan will cover all or part of the cost of your stay. Recovering alcoholic and addict women who live in sober living for women housing must be able to support themselves by paying their rent and purchasing their own food. This is possible because, you will be not only encouraged but, supported, and sometimes even required to be working or actively seeking employment.

Residents at a sober living for women house also must abide by rules and regulations that offer structure and support while they transition into society after completing treatment. Usually, residents must attend a minimum number of support group meetings, such as 12 Step fellowship meetings – like AA, NA, or CA, each week.

Financial Benefits of Sober Living for Women

It can be difficult starting over again once you complete treatment. Not everyone has the benefit of financial support from family members or, their family members can only afford so much. Moving into a sober living for women halfway house after completing treatment is highly recommended and highly beneficial when it comes to financial issues. There is no security deposit required, no first and last months’ rent required, and no credit checks performed in order to move into a sober house for women. Utilities are included in the cost of rent and most places allow residents to pay their rent on a weekly basis, which is much more manageable for those just getting out of rehab.

Benefits of Sober Living for Women: Rental Assistance

Depending on where you live, such as the state as well as even your specific community, there are programs for rental assistance and other similar support services for homeless substance abusers and people with disabilities. You may qualify for this program simply by being in recovery. These services may be extended to your family members as well.

Benefits of Sober Living for Women: Food Assistance

If you live in a sober living for women residence, you are eligible for food assistance like the food stamp program. Currently called SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) – it is the federal nutrition program that helps you make sure you get plenty of food, and that it’s healthy at that. SNAP benefits allow you to buy food at grocery stores, convenience stores, and sometimes even at farmers’ markets.

Benefits of Sober Living for Women: Recovery Support

As mentioned above, sober living for women is a residential program that supports women in early recovery, when they complete inpatient rehab treatment. Sober living houses offer structure as well as guidance and peer and emotional support. All of this is key to establishing a strong foundation to set women up for success at sobriety.

Sober Living for Women: Orchid Recovery Center

The Orchid Recovery Center offers detox, rehab, and intensive outpatient services. This last phase of treatment, called IOP for short, is often attended by women while they are at sober living for women residences. Depending on your insurance, your rent may be waived completely while you are actively attending an IOP. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse or addiction or are in search of sober living for women, please call toll-free 1-888-672-4435.

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