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Self discovery and addiction recovery

What if you had a treasure chest that provided a lifetime of discovery and riches?  Well, you have it when you embrace addiction recovery.  No, I’m not talking gold pieces and tattered treasure maps.  The endless possibilities of self discovery during the recovery process is enough to keep a woman occupied and refreshed for her whole life.

Self Discovery is Not Perfect

Self-discovery can be a tricky thing.  And quite frankly, you can actually work too hard at it – trying to be “perfect”, trying to be just like that person, reaching a goal as if it is the final destination.  All of that is the pursuit of perfectionism in some way – all or nothing.  If you have succumb to an addiction, that black-and-white attitude is what help you get there in the first place.  Imperfect self-discovery is better than no self discovery at all.

Taking just one more baby step is good enough for now.  It takes quite a bit of energy, time, and focus to incorporate even a seemingly minor observation into daily observance and practice.  It’s very difficult to really become a drastically different person in a short amount of time, such as with drug rehab.  You may do some important things differently when you are ready to go back home.  But in order to become that, you need to live it daily for a long time.  The old habits gradually fade as they are replaced by the new ones.

Relapse Is Self Discovery Goldmine

Addiction behaviors, thoughts, and emotions are stubborn creatures.  They are deeply rooted and don’t like to get pushed out of the limelight.  That’s why it’s so important for anyone in recovery to be ever vigilant about the slight turns of thought or subtle emotion shifts that can lead to relapse.  An ongoing dedication to self-discovery is a great antidote for relapse. 

Let’s be clear – relapse is always likely to happen at least a few times for someone who’s had an addiction.  But good self awareness and discovery can certainly help.  Relapse is not a sign of failure or fatal character flaws – it is simply a part of the process.  Really, it means you still have more to learn about yourself, your daily experience, and your environment. 

What have you still blinded your eyes to?  What old idea still lingers in your mind?  Is there a friend you spend time with that you really should stay clear of?  Have you been lax in your self care routines?  When you see it through a self-discovery lens, addiction relapse is a goldmine of opportunities for self discovery. 

Self-discovery is not pretty some of the time.  It can make you feel ill, it can make you disgusted with yourself, you might endure horrible embarrassment.  When it seems the most bleak, just listen – listen to the voice underneath all the emotional “yuck” trying to speak the truth.  When you have the courage to listen to that voice, it will give you just what you need to move forward.

Addiction Recovery for Women

Addiction recovery isn’t an easy journey.  If you find yourself reading this and realizing that your life has gotten out of control from addiction, it’s time to start anew.  The Orchid Recovery for Women understands how to help you make the most of your rehab experience.  The staff understands the needs and challenges of drug addiction as experienced by women.  Self discovery awaits you when you are ready to look for it.

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