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Plea Deal Negated for Alleged Drug Dealer When New Charges Come to Light

Multiple drug charges can add up to exponential amounts of trouble, and even in districts where there are drug courts to help offenders with an obvious drug and alcohol addiction problem, getting in trouble with the law on several occasions can make it harder to get a sentence that is more treatment than punishment.

One man in Auburn lost out on a plea deal for drug dealing because it came to light that he had been charged with possessing heroin just two weeks prior to his arrest for the current charges. When he was offered the four-year prison time over a longer sentence, the judge told him to stay out of trouble – but the offenders issues with addiction made it impossible for him to follow those directions without treatment and he was inevitably caught. His ultimate sentence? Seven years in prison.

Getting Drug Addiction Help While Incarceration

The hope is that those who are living with a drug and alcohol addiction problem and arrested for their crimes will get drug addiction treatment assistance through the prison system. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of money in the state budget for comprehensive care and many who are incarcerated fall through the cracks. Though they can often stay clean and sober due to a lack of drugs and alcohol, most will relapse almost immediately after leaving prison.

Getting Help for Drug Addiction Before You End up in Court

The problem with drug addiction is that it causes patients to do desperate things, including criminal acts, in an effort to maintain their addiction. This can mean stealing to pay for drugs or committing fraud by getting duplicate prescriptions. It can also mean a lack of control that leads to domestic violence or assault, hurting someone while driving under the influence, and other charges that can mean incarceration rather than treatment even if drug court is an option – drug court is only for nonviolent offenders. Violent offenders receive incarceration rather than treatment even if their actions were instigated or fueled by addiction problems.

The best way to avoid the problem of fighting with the courts to get the help that you need for addiction is to enroll in rehab before you end up in front of judge for any reason. Women who choose a woman-only drug rehab can increase their chances of success in treatment when they actively engage in therapy and other treatment options. Contact us at The Orchid to learn more about the options available to you in drug addiction treatment.

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