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Opiate Addiction Treatment for Women

Ask anyone who’s addicted to an opiate drug such as prescription pain killers or herion – it’s a nightmare trying to quit.  Opiates take over your body a chemical level with no holds barred.  It’s a hard hitting addiction, and getting sober without help just doesn’t work very well.  Opiate rehab is almost a certainty for someone trying to get a clean life.

Opiate Detox Is No Picnic

Opiate treatment has two defined stages – detox and drug treatment.  Detox is never a fun experience, and it can be particularly hard for an opiate addict.  Because of the chemistry involved, opiate drugs make themselves physically necessary to avoid overwhelming pain and other uncomfortable symptoms.  Getting past these symptoms are often the hardest part of the recovery process.  That is why it is so difficult to just go “cold turkey” with an opiate drug addiction.

Specially formulated detox medications help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms.  The chemistry is a close enough fit to make the person feel better, but it’s not exact enough (most of the time) to perpetuate the addiction and create its own withdrawal symptoms.  A person can remain on detox meds at some level until they have stabilized their life and been through a period of treatment.  Ideally, the person can wean off the meds so that they are free from any form of opiate.

One of the most well known opiate detox drug is Methadone, which has its own unfortunate potential for addiction with some people.  Two others used to treat heroin addiction are Naloxone and Naltrexone.  Another relative newcomer is Buprenorphine recently approved for use with pregnant women needing opiate detox.

Opiate Treatment Programs

Treatment is the next stage of opiate rehab.  Once a woman has gotten past the initial detox stage, she is very likely feeling well enough to begin the holistic therapies and addiction treatment sessions.  These involve individual and group counseling sessions, group psychodrama experiences, yoga, nutritional counseling, exercise, and other healing practices.  Everything is backed by solid research and the guidance of an all-female addiction treatment staff.

The Orchid also has programs for other types of opiate addictions.  Regardless of how a woman has come to be addicted to an opiate drug, she needs the support and understanding that can only come from highly trained staff and other women who have been there.  The tenacity and ferociousness of this addiction is so strong – anyone trying to fight against it needs a team behind them.

In particular, there are differences in the way women come into their addictions.  Painful emotional pathways are usually the beginning points of an addiction.  Certainly not every woman with emotional pain in her life becomes addicted to something.  But in studies of female addicts, painful emotional pathways are at the foundation of their addictions.

Does This Sound Like You?

If you’ve been through the opiate detox and treatment carousel, you know what this is like.  Opiate treatment isn’t easy no matter what.  But not every drug treatment center is alike.  If you are a woman needing to have a life-changing drug rehab experience, contact The Orchid.  You’ll finally discover the help you really needed all along.

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