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Moms With Drug Addictions Get Help at Drug Rehab

Motherhood is a complex job with huge responsibility.  I even saw an article describing a “job description” and the appropriate salary as compared to a variety of paid jobs.  No matter what your job, it’s very difficult to do when you are addicted to drugs.

Motherhood Job Is Tough With Drug Addiction

Just imagine that you are a supervisor for a handful of employees.  You are to teach them, keep them accountable, be sure they are present for all training and education, and they follow the rules of the organization.  If someone like this were addicted to drugs, they would eventually slip on these responsibilities.

If they were undependable or unsafe with transporting their employees, they could be severely disciplined or fired.  If they lost track of what their employees were doing all day, management would have some tough questions for them.  If they skipped or left work for long periods of time because they were high or drunk, they could be let go or have their hours reduced.

Now take this back to motherhood.  Driving drunk or high with kids puts everyone in danger.  Poor supervision can lead to children losing respect and putting themselves in more danger.  Being inexplicably absent can lead to feelings of abandonment and shame from the children.  Drugs and alcohol steal the best of a mom away from herself and her kids.

Drug Treatment Gets Moms Healthy and Sober

Drug treatment can help moms get themselves back “on the job” with confidence.  In some cases, women with addictions have mental illness like depression or anxiety.  These problems also interfere with healthy mothering, and drug treatment can address them.  When a drug addicted mom goes to drug rehab and gets
properly diagnosed and treated, the world can become a different place for the whole family.

Drug treatment for women helps a mother reconnect with herself first.  It isn’t enough to just “do it for the kids.”  She needs to be healthy for her own sake, and then good mothering can flow from there.  This self-discovery leads to a more stable sobriety and recovery track.  The more stable the mom is, the better for it is for everyone.

Moms needing drug rehab do need to spend time away from their children.  This is something that often tugs moms away from starting the drug treatment they desperately need.  But this time is a personal investment to make her better and healthier.  It’s a short-term sacrifice for a long-term gain.  Drug rehab may seem scary and uncertain, but it’s something every mom with a drug addiction needs to consider.

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