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Holistic Drug Rehab For Women Making Minds Healthy

Healing women's minds with drug rehabHolistic drug rehab helps to treat the minds, bodies, and souls of addicted women. This unique approach does not leave anything out. Addiction is often born out of significant disconnections among the mind, body, and soul. So, it only makes sense that a holistic treatment center for women would be the ideal place to begin the recovery journey. At this moment, we’ll focus on the mind’s role in addiction.

How Addiction Affects The Mind

From a holistic standpoint, the mind, body, and soul are all important and their interconnectedness is the main focus. The mind is often seen as the central hub within a person. From the mind, all other things are evaluated and processed. When a woman endures abuse, an isolated childhood, or other emotional pain, the mind often creates entangled illogical connections. Unfortunately, this confusion and imbalance tends to keep the pain hanging around. Until something helps the mind to change its course, it can lead a woman directly into an addiction and help keep her there.

An addicted woman’s mind has many well-worn leaps of logic. She has learned to skip over the decision process for many daily challenges and events. In order to cope with serious emotional pain, these leaps of logic may have evolved to protect the woman or at least explain why such bad things were happening. Belief that she really must be worthless to deserve such treatment, belief that she was dumb because her dad said it so many times, belief that hope for a better life was futile.

These pathways are in fact so well-worn, the woman may be somewhat shocked at the suggestion that there are other ways to think. She may resist the idea that she can decide whether or not to think about something, whether or not to accept someone’s opinion, whether or not to change a habit.

Drug Treatment Clears the Mind

In order to help a woman with addiction, all of brokenness inside her mind must be observed, challenged, and reassembled. When the misconnections are undone, she finally has the freedom and flexibility that was intended for her. Until that time, she will feel locked in the prison of her own unhealthy logic.

Cognitive therapy is one way that women’s drug rehab addresses these mind challenges. Women are taught how to challenge their own thoughts and change their thinking patterns.

Group interaction also provides an opportunity to understand other people’s perspectives and try on new ideas. Sharing in a supportive environment allows women to ask questions and learn more about how other women think about their addiction.

Art therapy offers the freedom to express without judgment. It’s not so much other people’s judgment that she needs to consider. Women with addictions need to learn how to turn down the volume on their own limiting beliefs and critical internal voice.

Meditation is a tool to help clear the mind and gently push aside the relentless negative thoughts and beliefs. In order to truly change a bad habit or pattern, something positive must be put in its place. Just stopping the negative thoughts isn’t enough. Meditation can be mixed with affirmations to provide that replacement.

Women can learn to push aside the negative thoughts and replace them with empowering nurturing thoughts. The intense emotional sensitivity women are trying to escape from can also be reduced. The negative thoughts that trigger the emotions are simply not there as frequently as they used to be.

Drug treatment methods like these give the women at the Orchid Recovery Center the opportunity to rebuild their minds into powerful resources that serve them well every day.

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