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Gender Specific Rehab for Women

Gender Specific Rehab for Women

(This content is being used for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted in the content is a model)

Gender specific rehab for women is a unique and specialized rehabilitation program specifically designed for the needs and wants of women. Men and women, while they may suffer from the same disease of addiction and/or alcoholism, many times have different needs when it comes to a drug rehab approach.

Women have some very important social, psychological and traumatic factors that come into play while in drug rehab that can be specific to the gender. And that is why there is gender specific rehab for women.

Gender Specific Rehab for Women: No Distractions

Many times in a coed drug rehab, women struggle to get comfortable or can’t focus on the important stuff such as healing and sobriety. As is human nature, the opposite sex can cause a great deal of distractions, ranging from intrigue to insecurity. At a gender specific rehab for women, women can immediately feel safe and secure in an environment with only mothers, sisters and daughters.

The connection between women can grow so much stronger due to a level of togetherness that wouldn’t typically be experienced if men were involved in the process. Also women can focus on their rehabilitation, and be more present and make more self-conscious and motivated decisions.

It is a well-known truth that women and men tend to get distracted from their goal of sobriety while in rehab due to members of the opposite sex. As much as it is understandable, for some people it is necessary to eliminate that possibility. To avoid codependent and self-defeating relationships that can develop while people are vulnerable, some women need a gender specific rehab for women where there are no distractions.

Gender Specific Rehab for Women: Community

Many times women who end up in a gender specific rehab for women arrive with the assumption they don’t get along with other women. This is usually because they don’t trust other women; they think other women are catty or stuck up, slutty etc. Sometimes we set unfair expectations or make assumptions of others that actually end up only hurting our chances of being well.

At a gender specific rehab for women, individuals get to learn that it isn’t other women they necessarily hate. Many times people learn that it has been themselves they didn’t like very much, and through their relationships with other women they actually find out how to love themselves through building strong and loving relationships with other women who struggle with the same issues. This is one of the most wonderful things about gender specific rehab for women. It facilitates a total shift in perspective.

A sense of community in a gender specific rehab for women also gives women the ability to relate to each other as sister and daughters, and especially as mothers. Mothers have a unique and important role in the structure of any family, and at a gender specific rehab for women each woman can truly learn and grow into that role, with deeper appreciation and understand for what it means, both for themselves and their peers.

Gender Specific Rehab for Women: Comfort

Gender specific rehab for women also gives women an atmosphere where they can feel safe to be honest, to give deep admissions, and allows for recovery from traumatic events. In a space that is only women, drug rehab allows women who may have experienced traumas such as sexual assault, domestic violence, or childhood traumas to really work through their issues.

Some women would be incapable of working through these traumatic events in the company of men. So that is why it is imperative for women to have a special and comfortable place they can go to in order to recover. Comfort for these kinds of break-through experiences is a top priority at a gender specific rehab for women.

Any way you look at it getting treatment, there are always many benefits that would not be available at a coed rehabilitation center. If you or someone you love is looking for a gender specific rehab for women, please call toll-free 1800-951-6135.

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