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Drug Rehab for Women in Somerset County

Drug Rehab for Women in Somerset County

If you are a woman who is struggling with addiction and looking for a help, drug rehab for women in Somerset County could be just the answer you’re looking for. They offer detoxification, treatment and aftercare to help you get started on your journey into recovery.

Drug Rehab for Women in Somerset County: Detox

Before you can get started on your recovery process, you first have to go through detoxification and get all of the drugs and alcohol out of your system. Most addicts and alcoholics experience some form of withdrawal syndrome after they quit using drugs or alcohol. In the detox that they have for drug rehab for women in Somerset County they will drug test you and evaluate you to see specifically which type of detox medication you need. They start you on medication and gradually wean you off over a period of anywhere from 5 to 14 days, depending on the substance you were abusing. They will medically supervise you and make sure you are as serene and at ease as possible.

Drug Rehab for Women in Somerset County: Treatment

After you’ve gone through the detox phase you will next go into the treatment phase of drug rehab for women in Somerset County. Here, they will assign you a therapist and get you started on individual and group therapy sessions. You will be able to bond and find supports in the treatment center and learn how to live life on life’s terms and the tools you need to stay sober. The rehab facility will also take you out to meetings during the week so you can get introduced to the recovery community, get a sponsor and make friends. You will learn a lot about your addiction issues and deal with other issues in therapy at drug rehab for women in Somerset County. You will get to work on your emotional sobriety which is very important for us women.

Drug Rehab for Women in Somerset County: After Care

Once you’ve finished the detox and treatment phase of drug rehab for women in Somerset County, you will move on to the aftercare part of it which is also called IOP (intensive outpatient.) The rehab will usually point you in the direction of a good halfway house for women and have you come back to the treatment facility a few times a week to meet with your therapist and have group therapy sessions. In halfway, you can form long-lasting bonds with other women in recovery and start your group of supports. You will be expected to have a sponsor, work a program, go to meetings, do chores, have a curfew, get a job and pass drug tests. You will be held accountable for your actions and learn how to be a functioning member of society.

I can’t stress enough how important it is for us women to build a relationship and have each other as support in recovery. I recommend drug rehab for women in Somerset County to any woman who is struggling. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll free 1-800-777-9588.

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