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Discovering Your Self Worth With Drug Treatment

Have you been draining the spirit out of your life with drugs and alcohol?  Do you wonder if you have any real purpose anymore to your life?  Many drug addicts and alcoholics feel this way after a while.  They just do what they need to do to survive every day. At some point, it may feel like they can’t turn back from their addiction.  They’ve lived that way too long to just stop. Without their addiction, they don’t know what they would do with their life.  They would feel directionless, helpless, and powerless against their own demons.

Addiction and Low Self Worth Common Partners

A person’s self worth is usually pretty low when they are addicted to drugs.  They live with an illusion of control, when really they are completely dependent on their drug of choice.  This can feel demoralizing and shallow, even as they defend their drug use to their loved ones.  They may sense that others see them as a washed up loser, not contributing anything to society.  This is why many addicts and alcoholics feel suicidal at times.  If this is their life, what’s the point of going on anymore?  Wouldn’t it cause everyone less pain if they just ended it?

Drug Treatment Helps Self Worth Come Through

It can take some time for a recovering drug addict to see their self worth shine through the shadows of their addiction.  When they can sense their genuine emotions and think more clearly, drug treatment can help them make sense of everything. Counselors will listen with patience and understanding, working with each addict to understand their personal voice.

Each person in drug treatment is given opportunities to support others and do things to help themselves.  When a person sees how their actions have value, their own sense of self worth can start to grow.  When they recognize their courage and affirm others for being courageous, they can more clearly see purpose in their life.

Drug Treatment Just First Step Of Building Self Worth

Of course, self worth is something that needs nurturing each and every day.  Everyone has days when they feel like they don’t matter, or that they do everything wrong, or that no one would miss them if they disappeared.  But drug treatment can help the truly wounded souls of drug addicts and alcoholics.  Drug treatment can help people put their shattered spirits back together so they can claim their place in the world again.

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