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Detox Centers in Palm Beach

Detox Centers in Palm Beach

Detox centers in Palm Beach are specifically designed to treat a medical condition known as withdrawal syndrome that results from another medical condition: chemical dependence. Also called substance dependence, this condition means that your body and brain have become accustomed to a substance like alcohol or other drugs. When you suddenly stop drinking or taking the drug or drugs – called going cold turkey – you will experience withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes, these symptoms can result in serious illness or even death; detox centers in Palm Beach treat your symptoms so that you are kept comfortable and safe.

Detox Centers in Palm Beach: Alcohol Withdrawal

You may have realized that your drinking has gotten a little out of hand and have tried to stop or cut back only to experience disturbing symptoms that caused you to go right back to drinking for fear of stopping. What you were experiencing is called Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome and it is a very serious condition that, at best is extremely uncomfortable and at worst, can kill you. That is why detox centers in Palm Beach is necessary if you are alcohol-dependent.

Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome is caused by the central nervous system (CNS) overcompensating due to the sudden absence of alcohol which was suppressing normal CNS activity. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome can include seizures and delirium tremens, a set of symptoms such as tremors, anxiety, paranoia, and panic attacks. The severity of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome can vary from mild such as mild sleep disturbances and mild anxiety to very severe and life threatening such as convulsions, which may result in death.

Detox Centers in Palm Beach: Benzo Withdrawal

If you are dependent on benzodiazepines, “benzos” for short, such as Xanax and Valium, then getting help from detox centers in Palm Beach is also necessary. Benzo Withdrawal Syndrome is much like Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome; in fact, the withdrawal process from either of these is the only kind that has proven fatal. At detox centers in Palm Beach, you will be treated with medications and closely monitored so that you can come off the benzos safely and comfortably.

Detox Centers in Palm Beach: Opiates

If you have been using painkillers, such as oxycodone (Percocet), hydrocodone (Vicodin), methadone or other opiates such as heroin, kicking cold turkey can be impossible to do. The withdrawal symptoms are so severe and uncomfortable that people usually wind up going back to their drug of choice or using other drugs because they cannot deal with it. Opiate withdrawal, also called being dope sick, has been compared to having an extreme flu but with insomnia and restlessness, called “the jimmies.” The medical staff at detox centers in Palm Beach is trained in treating opiate withdrawal and is also sympathetic to your condition. You will be given medication to alleviate your symptoms in a caring and nurturing environment.

Detox Centers in Palm Beach: Amphetamines

If you have been using amphetamines such as cocaine, crack, or prescription amphetamines such as Adderall or Ritalin, you will find that detox centers in Palm Beach offer the best way to get off of these substances and to begin to heal. This is also the case for methamphetamine, known as crystal meth. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse or addiction and you are looking for detox centers in Palm Beach please call toll-free 1-888-672-4435.

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