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5 Ways to Deal with the Post-Holiday Blues

How to Deal with the Post-Holiday Blues

The holidays have just ended and many of us are returning to work or school after nice, long breaks and days off. This can be a really hard time of the year; the post-holiday blues can happen for many people after having vacation time with family and friends. It usually occurs within the first few days after the holidays. The question is how do we deal with the post-holiday blues? I’ve listed 5 ways to deal with the post-holiday blues.

5 Ways to Deal with the Post-Holiday Blues: Stay Close to Friends

How to Deal with the Post-Holiday Blues

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After the holidays are over, usually either you go back home or your family does. A really good way to get through this is to stay close to your friends. Make sure you continue to be around people and hang out with your sober supports, reach out to sponsees and your sponsor and go to meetings. For me, I couldn’t make it through half the things I deal with on a daily basis without my amazing friends and supports. Keep them close by!

5 Ways to Deal with the Post-Holiday Blues: Makes Plans to Look Forward to

How to Deal with the Post-Holiday Blues

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It’s always really beneficial to make plans for after the holidays so that you have activities or events to look forward to. After the holidays end it can feel like everything is just so boring and you can get depressed; but continuing to make plans and do things helps to give you something to do and be excited about especially after all the hype over Christmas and New Year’s is over.

5 Ways to Deal with the Post-Holiday Blues: Be Gentle of Yourself with Your Resolutions

How to Deal with the Post-Holiday Blues

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Just because the New Year started a few days ago doesn’t mean you need to be diving into your resolutions hardcore. Take it easy on yourself with the resolutions you made. It can be dangerous or not good for you to start overly working out, dieting and even changing too much in your life too fast. It can be overwhelming and the point of a resolution is to make your life better, not more stressful!

5 Ways to Deal with the Post-Holiday Blues: Change your Negative Thinking to Positive Thinking

How to Deal with the Post-Holiday Blues

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There are some benefits to the holidays being over. Personally, I am so relieved that the holidays are over! It really stresses me out and I am not a big fan of the anticipation of it all. Think of all the positive aspects of the holidays being over and try not to think so negative. It really does make a huge difference just changing your thoughts from negative to positive.

5 Ways to Deal with the Post-Holiday Blues: Take Care of Yourself

How to Deal with the Post-Holiday Blues

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The last and most important tip I can give you to getting through the post-holiday blues is to take care of yourself. Remember, always put your program first and do what you need to do for you. Get outside more, enjoy some time alone, read a nice book, take a bubble bath, meditate, do yoga or get a mani-pedi. Continue doing the things you enjoy doing and make sure you keep in mind what you need to be healthy and happy. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll free 1-888-672-4435.

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