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Ambien Addiction: Signs of Sleep Medication Abuse

Zolpidem is a hypnotic drug that was originally marketed as Ambien, and is now available all over the world under various brand names. This powerful sedative is primarily prescribed for sleep problems such as insomnia. For medical use, Ambien should only be used for short periods. However, many people become dependent on the drug to . . . . Continue Reading

Amanda Seyfried On OCD & Mental Illness: ‘If You Can Treat It, You Treat It’

Last night while skimming through social media, I discovered one of my favorite actresses Amanda Seyfried was trending.  Curious, I clicked on Seyfried name and was pleasantly surprised to see Seyfried coming forward about her mental health struggles in an effort to reduce the stigmas surrounding mental illness. Even if you are not a huge . . . . Continue Reading

New Treatment Approach Could Help Depressed Smokers Quit

Author: Shernide Delva Quitting smoking is hard. Quitting smoking when you’re depressed is even harder. That’s why researchers are testing a new smoking cessation treatment combining medication and behavioral activation therapy targeted at this particular population. Researchers from Northwestern Medicine have pinpointed why quitting smoking is so difficult for depressed people. Now, they are testing . . . . Continue Reading

5 Ways I Overcame My Social Anxiety

From a young age, I had severe social anxiety. In kindergarten, I spoke maybe two sentences, not including, of course, the daily “Here!” that I murmured when my teachers read the attendance list. Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is when a person has an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations. A . . . . Continue Reading

Demi Lovato Didn’t Think She’d Be Alive Past 21

Author: Shernide Delva  At one point, Demi Lovato was far from the “Confident” woman she presents herself as today. In fact, in 2010, Demi Lovato was admitted to rehab for bulimia and substance abuse.  She was far from confident back then. Needless to say, she’s come a long way. We have covered the struggles Demi . . . . Continue Reading

How Drugs Affect Women’s Fertility

By now, most know the health implications of abusing drugs. However, how do those drugs affect a women’s fertility?  Researchers have found that men’s fertility are affected by drug use through the sperm. The sperm can be regenerated through staying clean. Women, on the other hand, have a host of side effects. Unlike men, women . . . . Continue Reading

Painkiller Addiction Relapse Risk Linked to Age

Adults young and old are being affected by opioid addiction and unfortunately, those older may have a tougher time. According to a recent study, older populations who suffer from opioid addiction have a higher chance of relapsing on opioid medications. In fact, the study concluded that each year older you are when you first start . . . . Continue Reading

Does Social Media Really Lead to Depression?

The negative implications of social media use continue to be a heavily debated topic. Now, researchers believe that excessive social media use can lead to depression. While social media has been linked to negative psychological effects for quite some time now, this is the first study to actually associate a correlation between social media and . . . . Continue Reading

From Peer Pressured Drug Addict to Helping Others Recover

Do you remember high school? I sure do. For many, high school is a time of experimentation and exploration. During this period, many feel intense pressure to “fit in” with the “in” crowd. Keisha Anderson was not any different from the norm. Growing up in Kentucky, Anderson was a self-proclaimed “people pleaser.”  She hung out with . . . . Continue Reading

5 Ways to Release Emotional Attachments

Whether you are in recovery or not, we all struggle with emotional attachments. Often emotional attachments occur due to insecurity and simply not believing we can move on to something different or new. Instead, we remain emotionally attached and avoid connections to ourselves and those around us. In an intimate relationship, you may struggle to . . . . Continue Reading

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