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Inside The Biggest Loser: Did Contestants Suffer Metabolic Damage?

Imagine spending months on national television losing massive amounts of weight only to gain it back later. The show “The Biggest Loser” has aired for 17 seasons and continues to shock viewers when they see contestants shed half their body size in just a few weeks. Many of the “Losers” drop the pounds by exercising 8 hours . . . . Continue Reading

Curing Depression Through Food?

Depression is a common but serious mood disorder that affects millions. Depression causes severe symptoms that affect how we feel and handle daily activities.  Fortunately, there are a variety of treatment options out there that help with symptoms of depression. With the right treatment, anyone can find a way to overcome their depression. No one . . . . Continue Reading

Eating Disorders Still A Major Issue For Instagram

The pro-eating disorder community continues to try to spread an unhealthy message to others and despite Instagram’s efforts to put a stop to this community, these groups continue to spread. These Instagrammers resort to misspellings of popular old tags to spread unhealthy images to each other. Back in 2012, Instagram tried to put a stop to . . . . Continue Reading

How Drugs Affect Women’s Fertility

By now, most know the health implications of abusing drugs. However, how do those drugs affect a women’s fertility?  Researchers have found that men’s fertility are affected by drug use through the sperm. The sperm can be regenerated through staying clean. Women, on the other hand, have a host of side effects. Unlike men, women . . . . Continue Reading

Painkiller Addiction Relapse Risk Linked to Age

Adults young and old are being affected by opioid addiction and unfortunately, those older may have a tougher time. According to a recent study, older populations who suffer from opioid addiction have a higher chance of relapsing on opioid medications. In fact, the study concluded that each year older you are when you first start . . . . Continue Reading

Could Money Help Pregnant Women Quit Smoking?

Could financial incentives help pregnant women stop smoking? Apparently so, according to recent research. For the last three decades, finding effective smoking cessation strategies for pregnant women have become a public health priority. This is especially critical in vulnerable populations. Now, there seems to be one treatment strategy that is proving to be the most efficient . . . . Continue Reading

7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People

In my course of doing research, I’ve stumbled about countless articles that reveal how to be successful, break habits and reach our career aspiration. Recently, I finally ran into an article that did the exact opposite. Instead, it explained the seven habits of highly ineffective people. Sometimes it helps to see things from our perspective. . . . . Continue Reading

How Surfing Can Help in Recovery

In recovery, the stress of everyday life can be overwhelming. Whether we experience family, financial or work-related stress, sometimes it ‘s nice to have a release. That’s why some recovering addicts turn to surfing for a release. Those who surf find it helps them think more clearly, examine problems and find solutions. Despite the few . . . . Continue Reading

FAU Study Answers Crucial Question: Why Do Adolescent Friendships End?

When you’re young, friendships are everything. Growing up, I did not have a lot of friends, but the friends I did have, I clung on to. My friends provided me a sense of peace when I went to school each day. During the childhood and adolescent years, friendships can help create the foundation of your personality. . . . . Continue Reading

Can Pregnancy Reduce PTSD Symptoms?

Pregnancy is hard enough, but what about women who experience post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms? Must be even worse, right? Not exactly.  Actually, a new study reveals that for most women, pregnancy does not worsen PTSD. In fact, pregnancy might actually reduce PTSD symptoms in many expecting mothers. These effects do not occur in everyone,  though. . . . . Continue Reading

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