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Party Drug Ketamine Shown to Instantly Cure Depression Symptoms

Antidepressants have long been prescribed for the treatment of depression and other psychological conditions such as anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and addiction. However, the downside to antidepressants is that they can take six to eight weeks before the user feels the full effect. What if there was a drug that could instantly take depression away? Turns . . . . Continue Reading

Jim Carrey’s Prescription Drugs Suspected to Be Used in Catherine White’s Suicide

The internet and the news has been shook up and bogged down with the tragic story of Catherine White, Jim Carrey’s former girlfriend, who committed suicide. First we were hit with the shocking headline when the body of the 30 year old make-up artists from Ireland was discovered in her Los Angeles home, and then . . . . Continue Reading

Are 3D Printed Drugs the Future?

Author: Justin Mckibben Yeah, we said it. The future of medicine has found a new home in the 3rd dimension, with 3D printers making new waves of innovation in the medical community. So far we have already seen the results of CD printing in the medical field, including things like custom prosthetics. Now we have . . . . Continue Reading

Is This a Drug Take-Back Revolution?

These programs are more common in suburbs and small towns across the country, which are paid by local government agencies. There is even a National Drug Take-Back Day where thousands of DEA-coordinated collection sites were available across the country. Now the debate is who should pay for the programs? The city of San Francisco seems . . . . Continue Reading

FDA Approves ADHD Drug to Treat Eating Disorder

Eating disorders have already been recognized by medical professionals for some time, specifically the mental health professionals. These afflictions have been identified as a wide range of irregular eating behaviors that include: Anorexia nervosa – a form of self-starvation Bulimia nervosa – binging and purging Binge eating disorder Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) There is . . . . Continue Reading

7 Reasons Why You Should Go to Rehab in the Winter

Anytime you decide you’re sick and tired of relying on alcohol and other drugs is a good time to get help. If you notice that your drug habit is ruining your relationships, causing problems at work or a loss of a job, altogether, and creating financial hardships – not to mention taking a toll on . . . . Continue Reading

Is Fighting the Opiate Epidemic Getting People Hooked on Heroin?

Opiate addiction, be it prescription or off the street heroin is a devastating and deadly affliction, and there has been a conscious effort these past few years to highlight the public health crisis and opiate epidemic caused by the overprescribing of pain medications, resulting in the tens of thousands of deaths. Prescription painkillers have become public . . . . Continue Reading

Opiate Addiction Rehab

For anyone who is struggling with a serious problem with prescription opiates, an opiate addiction rehab can be the thing that changes your life, and can even save your life. Too many people get dependent on opiates, and too many addicts never get the help they need. The fear of experiencing withdrawal, or even having to . . . . Continue Reading

Ohio Opiate Addiction Equal to Alcoholism

Have I ever mentioned I’m a Buckeye? Well just in case, yes, I am a Columbus, Ohio kid. So when people talk about the heart of the mid-west I just assume they mean my home state. So when they say that the rate of addiction to painkillers in Ohio has skyrocketed in recent years and . . . . Continue Reading

Pfizer Sued for Causing Addiction

It is not that out of the ordinary that Big Pharma is sued by people who suffer from side effects caused by their drugs. These kinds of cases you hear about all the time. You probably see a commercial for a drug, then weeks later see a commercial for a lawyer on a crusade against . . . . Continue Reading

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