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Ohio Sees Drop in Overdose Rates

Let me start by saying O-H and hoping someone out there knows how to finish it… (I-O) I mean come one, do you not see this picture above?! Is that not a gorgeous view?! Amazing right… yeah, that’s the O-State. As someone who was born and raising in Buckeye country, and as someone who was . . . . Continue Reading

Senate Shuts Down DEA Efforts to Interfere in Marijuana Reforms

  Marijuana reform; how much can be said about the leaps and bounds this country has seen in regards to legalization or decriminalization of this substance. Voices ring out from both sides of the argument about various issues coming to light, bipartisan movements continue to march forward with revolutionary ideas for regulation and the federal . . . . Continue Reading

Flakka: The New Face of Fear

As time rolls on we are constantly awe-struck with some of the horror stories associated with designer, synthetic drugs. From vicious assaults to videos of adverse and terrifying reactions to the drugs we are exposed to the evils of a new drug enterprise terrorizing the country. Some go as far as calling it the second . . . . Continue Reading

Nitros Oxide Abuse on the Rise

Nitrous oxide is a chemical compound commonly used in surgery and dentistry for its anesthetic and analgesic effects. It has earned the alias of “laughing gas” due to the euphoric effects often created through inhaling it, and thanks to that reputation it has managed to make its way into the world of recreational drug use and substance abuse as a dissociative anesthetic. Also known as: Nitrous Nitro NOS Nitros . . . . Continue Reading

10% of Drugs Being Bought Online

The ship of Dread Pirate Roberts that infamously sailed the Silk Road illicit market on the Dark Web sank last year, and it has been a very talked-about story of how a computer expert became an online drug kingpin, only to be captured and hit with the harshest penalties possible with life in prison, but . . . . Continue Reading

What Sewers Say About Cocaine in Water

Apparently there is a pretty peculiar way that scientists have discovered they can estimate how much a particular drug is used in a city based on something that we all contribute to in one way or another, and while it seems a little gross, it makes sense to consider this, especially based on what might . . . . Continue Reading

Instagram Promotes #Healthy VS #Skinny

Social Media can sometimes feel like you’re staring into a sea of judging faces from a stage of self-mutilation, especially for people suffering from eating disorders, and a format like Instagram can seem like an endless gallery of body shaming and traumatic triggers with so many images and promotions perpetuating the misconception of the ‘perfect . . . . Continue Reading

Viral Video Raises Money to Save a Life

An eating disorder such as anorexia can become a corrosive and crippling illness ravaging the life of the individual afflicted. Eating disorders are some of the most deadly and debilitating mental health disorders because of their complexity, and sometimes their subtlety, while claiming the lives of countless people every year through a variety of circumstances . . . . Continue Reading

Legal Marijuana Finding New Home In Illinois

The pro-pot campaign seems to be gaining more and more traction as time moves on. Just 2 weeks ago we noted that Pennsylvania Senate pushed through Senate Bill 3 for medical cannabis with a 40-7 margin, and debates on the religious values of reefer rage on in Texas. Now it has been announced that Illinois . . . . Continue Reading

New York Breaks Record With 50 Million Dollar Heroin Bust

In case you didn’t hear about it, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in New York just made a drug bust in the Bronx that is likely to have a devastating impact on the dealers in the area, not to mention be counted as a huge win in the fight to keep heroin off the . . . . Continue Reading

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