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Medical Task Force Teaming Up to Battle Opiate Epidemic

With the country finding itself in a state of consistent crisis in regards to the mounting drug problem, especially concerning the overdose outbreak and the opiate epidemic, there has been a lot of revolutionary ideas and concepts brought to the table to try and revitalize the efforts to curb addiction in America. Reforming the strategy . . . . Continue Reading

Are 3D Printed Drugs the Future?

Author: Justin Mckibben Yeah, we said it. The future of medicine has found a new home in the 3rd dimension, with 3D printers making new waves of innovation in the medical community. So far we have already seen the results of CD printing in the medical field, including things like custom prosthetics. Now we have . . . . Continue Reading

Could a Gene be the Cause of Anorexia?

Too many beautiful women, men and young people suffer from obsessions based in a contorted body-image and manifesting as self-starvation and ravenous purging. Thanks to the tireless work of awareness groups and advocates who speak for those who are struggling it is becoming more commonly accepted that eating disorders aren’t a lifestyle choice, but an . . . . Continue Reading

Venti Vape: Smoking Coffee with E-Cigs

Anyone else been waiting for an easier, more sleek and stylish way to get their morning coffee?! Nah… me neither. But apparently drinking coffee is SO 2014, because the infamous vape phenomenon that has changed the tobacco industry seemingly overnight and revolutionized the way kids are ingesting harmful drugs is at it again, bringing your . . . . Continue Reading

UNITE To Face Addiction Rally Calling for Action and Awareness in October

We have seen time and time again how addicts and alcoholics getting together to support each other can save lives. Every day groups gather in rooms all across the country to battle addiction. Throughout the year there are other organizations and movements gathering together to host events for their communities aimed at raising awareness to . . . . Continue Reading

Should Apple Let OxyContin Company Collect Data from Your iPhone?

Technology seems to be surpassing itself every day, with new inventions and innovations breaking the mold every time you turn around. I bet if you look at your smartphones they are cluttered with apps and information you know very little about or even never get used. As far as we have come with developing new . . . . Continue Reading

FDA Gets Strict on Vaping Regulation

According to VaporSearchUSA, there are at least 6,000 ‘vape’ shops in the country, some states showing much more than others. Now it seems many vape shop owners are concerned about the longevity of their businesses as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pushes for stricter regulations on vapes which many shop owners claim will surely . . . . Continue Reading

Should Shops Selling Synthetics Face More Severe Punishment?

Somewhere in every state there are shops set up on one corner or another in nearly every neighborhood selling synthetic drugs. The topic may not be new, but for one state the punishment for distributing such substances just got more serious as legislators try to get a grip on the stuff flooding the market and . . . . Continue Reading

The Addiction and Death of Starlet Amanda Peterson

Phyllis Amanda Peterson was born in Greeley, Colorado on July 8th, 1971 and her life’s journey came to a tragic and screeching halt just days before her 44th birthday on July 3rd 2015. Known by Amanda Peterson, she was an American actress who got her shining time in the spotlight started with her first feature . . . . Continue Reading

First Ever Law to Require Eating Disorder Treatment Coverage

This article is an honor to write, because it represents a paramount shift in the way the world is envisioning mental health, and more specifically eating disorders. A prosperity sure to change the world. Eating disorders are dismal and deadly, heartsick in the way they can go virtually unnoticed in the lives of many, and . . . . Continue Reading

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