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How Eating Disorders Impact Romantic Relationships

Eating disorders can affect anyone at any stage of life. While often eating disorders conjure images of young adolescent females, adults can and do have eating disorders, and many adults who have them are in partnered relationships.  That’s why researchers have recently sought out to better understand how eating disorder impact romantic relationships and spouses. . . . . Continue Reading

Adele Dropped Cigarette Smoking Habit to Save Her Voice

The famous singer Adele’s new song Hello has spread all over social media. If you have not heard it, you probably live under a rock. Adele spectacular voice has been heard around the world. Her new album 25 topped charts in many countries. However, it was not long ago that her voice and life were . . . . Continue Reading

4 Ways Drug Addiction Treatment Differ For Women

Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus. We’ve all heard that line before. After all, it was the title of one of the most crazed books of the 90’s and although the author, John Gray, was making more of a reference to relationships than addiction treatment, the reality is that when it comes to gender, there . . . . Continue Reading

1 in 4 Doctors Suffer From Depression Symptoms

The medical profession is a stressful place to be in. Becoming a doctor is a very long enduring process that can take over a decade. Being one is even more challenging. Now, research reveals that one in four doctors in the early stages of their careers suffer from signs of depression. This is bad news, . . . . Continue Reading

Public Health Leaders Push Reforms for Prescription Opioid Epidemic

Just recently, a group of experts issued recommendations aimed at combating the prescription opioid epidemic, a crisis that kills an average of 44 people a day in the U.S. The study was led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The report calls for changes in areas such as: The way . . . . Continue Reading

Another Lawsuit Against Big Pharma

Last month there were lawsuits filed by two counties in California seeking damages for the impact of the Big Pharma marketing strategies, with plaintiffs stating the marketing used by these companies made a serious contribution to the prescription drug epidemic. This was all part of a growing debate as to whether Big Pharma companies should . . . . Continue Reading

Exposing DEA Double Standards on Drug Testing

With the back and forth debate that has been going on for a little while now in regards to whether drug tests should be administered to individuals seeking government assistance through food stamps and welfare we hear the same kind of comments over and over, like “if I have to take a drug test to . . . . Continue Reading

The Addict’s Mom Organizes Lights of Hope

This past Sunday, September 13, 2015, the organization The Addict’s Mom (TAM) held its annual event “Lights of Hope” to remember the victims of the disease of addiction, with observations and participation nationwide. “Lights of Hope” events not only honored the lives of those lost to the disease of addiction, but also celebrated and recognized . . . . Continue Reading

Should Pill Mill Doctors Be Convicted of Murder?

This week begins the trial of Dr. Hsiu-Ying “Lisa” Tseng, an alleged ‘pill mill’ operator who had quickly earned a reputation for being quite liberal with powerful prescription medications, and is now being pursued for the overdose deaths of several patients. Dr. Hsiu-Ying Tseng allegedly prescribed one young man more than 200 pills, including nearly a hundred 30-milligram . . . . Continue Reading

New Dark Web Drug Lord Site Shutting Down

Even with the highly publicized arrest and trial of Ross “Dread Pirate Roberts” Ulbricht along with the collapse of the ‘ebay of drugs’ Silk Road, it’s true the days of the Dark Web are not yet behind us, but it seems they may be fast approaching. Since the black market operations of the original Silk . . . . Continue Reading

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