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PSA Reveals the 9 Truths About Eating Disorders

Keanu Reeves and Lily Collins will soon be starring in a new “dramedy” film about eating disorders titled “To the Bone.” The film is written and directed by Marti Noxon who struggled with eating disorders is her early years. In honor of the first-ever World Eating Disorders Action Day, a PSA was published that raises . . . . Continue Reading

The Connection Between Depression and Alcoholism

Depression and alcoholism together are a destructive combination. Unfortunately, the two are commonly intertwined with one another. Nearly one-quarter of alcohol-dependent men and close to half of alcohol-dependent women also have a concurrent diagnosis of depression.  Researchers wanted to explain the association these two symptoms had with one another. The interesting part about the two . . . . Continue Reading

Are Medical Schools Doing Enough to Combat the Addiction Epidemic?

Harvard medical students are demanding better training to tackle the opioid crisis. Their efforts to improve the curriculum are being heard throughout the nation. Now other medical schools are under fire as critics wonder why med students are not required to learn everything about an epidemic taking lives away each day. Shouldn’t all medical school . . . . Continue Reading

How to Choose a Support Group For Your Sex Addiction

When it comes to finding 12 step-fellowships for support, it usually is pretty straightforward. If you struggle with alcoholism, AA is the choice for you. OA is for overeaters and GA is for the gambler addicts out there. However, when it comes to sex addiction, there seem to be a plethora of choices: SA, SAA, . . . . Continue Reading

Inside The Biggest Loser: Did Contestants Suffer Metabolic Damage?

Imagine spending months on national television losing massive amounts of weight only to gain it back later. The show “The Biggest Loser” has aired for 17 seasons and continues to shock viewers when they see contestants shed half their body size in just a few weeks. Many of the “Losers” drop the pounds by exercising 8 hours . . . . Continue Reading

Curing Depression Through Food?

Depression is a common but serious mood disorder that affects millions. Depression causes severe symptoms that affect how we feel and handle daily activities.  Fortunately, there are a variety of treatment options out there that help with symptoms of depression. With the right treatment, anyone can find a way to overcome their depression. No one . . . . Continue Reading

4 Myths About OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic, long-lasting disorder experienced by as many as 1 in 100 Americans each year. Roughly half of these cases are classified as severe. OCD is the uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts and behaviors that a person feels to repeat certain routines over and over again. The truth is most people underestimate . . . . Continue Reading

Billion-Dollar Abstinence Program Failed To Stop Spread of HIV

Abstinence-only sex education continues to fail, yet the United States has funded billions of dollars to promote abstinence in Africa with the intention to stop the spread of HIV. Now, data is revealing that the efforts failed to prevent the spread fo HIV in Africa. In 2003, President George W. Bush passed the President’s Emergency . . . . Continue Reading

How Drugs Affect Women’s Fertility

By now, most know the health implications of abusing drugs. However, how do those drugs affect a women’s fertility?  Researchers have found that men’s fertility are affected by drug use through the sperm. The sperm can be regenerated through staying clean. Women, on the other hand, have a host of side effects. Unlike men, women . . . . Continue Reading

5 Common Misconceptions about Antidepressants

I’ll be honest, the first time I heard about someone close to me taking antidepressants, I responded with an uninformed misconception. While I was empathetic towards the situation, having dealt with depression and anxiety issues myself, I assumed taking the medication was a quick-fix solution. You had to be tough in this world, right? Taking . . . . Continue Reading

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