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You Can Blame These Brain Cells for How Old You Feel

Do you feel young or old? Isn’t it unfair that some people seem younger and healthier than others? Well, it might be their brain cells. Scientists have discovered that stem cells in the brain’s hypothalamus govern how fast aging occurs in the body. The findings, made in mice, could lead to innovative strategies for warding . . . . Continue Reading

Social Prescribing is a More Holistic Approach to Wellness

Holistic approaches in healthcare are part of a concept that isn’t so much brand new, but is becoming more and more mainstream. For years the popularity of practices such as yoga, mindfulness and meditation have found their way into being incorporated with science-based medicine for treating a variety of ailments. While research continues to build . . . . Continue Reading

Are You Are Depressed or Just Sad?

As someone who struggles with depression, I’ve struggled to decipher the moments in my life when I was depressed from the moments in my life when I was sad. Therefore, when I read a recent article, it reminded me that this is often a gray area. The clearest way I decipher depression from sadness is . . . . Continue Reading

Internet Addiction: Can a Person Be Addicted to Watching YouTube?

A recent study wanted to determine whether or not compulsive YouTube viewing qualifies as an addiction. Admittedly, I am part of the problem. YouTube has played a major role in my life since it first made waves on the internet over a decade ago. Not a week goes back that I do not sift through . . . . Continue Reading

Gaslighting: What Is It and What Are the Signs?

Even if you do not know what “gaslighting” is, the chances are high that you have experienced it.  I never knew what gas lighting meant until I read about it, however after learning the definition, I know I’ve experienced gaslighting countless times in various relationships. So what on earth is gaslighting? Gaslighting is defined as . . . . Continue Reading

Student Startup SafeSpace Aims to Promote Mental Health Awareness and Treatment

A new mobile app aims to help students who are experiencing mental health issues connect to each other. UC Berkeley students are developing a website and mobile app that will help students connect with other students with similar mental health issues. The startup, called SafeSpace, placed first in the Improving Student Life category of UC . . . . Continue Reading

Do I Have OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)?

Author: Justin Mckibben A lot of people throw around the term OCD like it is a bad habit or pet-peeve, but this diagnosis is something much more than wanting to keep your desk tidy or your laundry basket organized. You might even be the type of person that gets a great deal of satisfaction out . . . . Continue Reading

Lena Dunham Reveals Battles With Anxiety, Depression And Mental Health Stigmas

Whether you are a fan of Lena Dunham or not, you have to commend her for speaking out about her struggles with anxiety. Although Dunham has been the focus of controversy since she entered the industry, Dunham is using her voice to spread the message of hope for those struggling with debilitating anxiety. Who is Lena . . . . Continue Reading

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

The month of February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month! The purpose of Teen DV month is to raise awareness about teenagers and young adults that endure abuse in intimate relationships.  The official week of recognition is typically February 13-19; however, events occur nationally throughout the month of February in recognition of this important cause. . . . . Continue Reading

Doctor Found Guilty of Murder for Overprescribing Pills

  Recently, we wrote an article about a woman suing her doctor for overprescribing painkillers. We wanted to know your opinion about the matter. Should doctors receive punishment for overprescribing opioids? Whether you agree with it or not, it just happened. A California woman became the first doctor in the United States to be found guilty of . . . . Continue Reading

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