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4 Science-Backed Ways to Boost Your Willpower

    Willpower can be an incredibly hard thing to maintain, especially when you are surrounded by temptation. When your willpower is depleted, it makes  it difficult to always make the right decisions. However, learning the tools to self-control helps you in achieving those milestones you always wanted. Fortunately, there are techniques that help in . . . . Continue Reading

How Eating Disorders Impact Romantic Relationships

Eating disorders can affect anyone at any stage of life. While often eating disorders conjure images of young adolescent females, adults can and do have eating disorders, and many adults who have them are in partnered relationships.  That’s why researchers have recently sought out to better understand how eating disorder impact romantic relationships and spouses. . . . . Continue Reading

Can Pregnancy Reduce PTSD Symptoms?

Pregnancy is hard enough, but what about women who experience post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms? Must be even worse, right? Not exactly.  Actually, a new study reveals that for most women, pregnancy does not worsen PTSD. In fact, pregnancy might actually reduce PTSD symptoms in many expecting mothers. These effects do not occur in everyone,  though. . . . . Continue Reading

Why Good Nutrition is So Important in Recovery

The drug addiction epidemic has become worse in numbers each year. At this point, almost everyone is affected by addiction in some way. Drugs like alcohol, nicotine, heroin, and marijuana have various negative effects on the body and nutrition. However, the prevention of drug addiction, according to a recent article, will not occur unless we focus . . . . Continue Reading

Barbie Doll Transforms to Promote Diversity in Body Types

  The iconic Barbie look has not changed in over 57 years of production. However, finally, after years of criticism, Mattel has finally announced a new campaign that will change the face of Barbie. The tall, thin and blonde Barbie doll will finally give a more versatile representation of a woman. On Thursday, Mattel announced a . . . . Continue Reading

The Inside Scoop on Why Habits Are so Hard to Break   

When we are striving to make positive changes to our lives, one must ponder why it is so difficult to break habits in the first place. Why are old habits so endearing when we know the damaging effects? Even when we know that our behavior is destructive, our habits are still so hard to break. . . . . Continue Reading

What are the Symptoms of Anxiety?

If you’re like me, you are probably all too familiar to the feeling of anxiety. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stressful situations however for some people, anxiety can take over their lives and prevent them from overcoming obstacles. Anxiety and depression are so commonly conjoined together that they might as well be sisters.   Just . . . . Continue Reading

Mentors Analyze Drinking, Drugs, and the College Transition

College is a time when many gain independence for the first time in their life. Parents are gone, and suddenly students are left with having total responsibility over their life. This period of time can lead to dangerous decisions and often this is the time where students experiment to gain a greater sense of self. . . . . Continue Reading

How One Charity Uses Music to Encourage Recovery

Did you know that music can be beneficial in your recovery journey? For over 18 years, the charity Road Recovery has helped  young people battle addiction and other life challenges by utilizing the power of music. The program is created by working industry professionals and musicians that have confronted similar challenges who now wish to share . . . . Continue Reading

Why Expressing Your Emotions Should be Your New Years Resolution

Author: Shernide Delva “New Year.  New Me.” That’s what many say as the clock strikes midnight and another year has passed.  However, although the New Year brings a positive outlook, it also brings new challenges. As much as we all want a perfect New Year, the truth is both good and bad will happen to . . . . Continue Reading

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