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Diet Pill Addiction Help

Diet pills have been under the radar for a time, but more recently the true dangers of diet pill addiction have come to light, and diet pill addiction help is now more important than ever. These types of pharmacological medications are marketed to control or reduce weight and while numerous diet pills have been produced and . . . . Continue Reading

Drugorexia: Abusing Drugs to Lose Weight

Drugorexia is a serious and wretched issue, primarily concerning women and substance abuse. Society now is in a period that not only subjects women to the concept of the need for a perfect body image, but also the culture that promotes the use of illicit street drugs. So many women are resorting to dangerous methods . . . . Continue Reading

Eating Disorders in Middle Aged Women

Starvation and binge strategies for weight loss are a terrible and devastating part of developing eating disorders. Engaging in self-destructive activities that have a severe effect on the body, and that in the past have been considered ‘teenage behaviors’ are actually not exclusive to the younger crowd, and are being found more and more in . . . . Continue Reading

The 7 Most Surprising Things about Being Young in Recovery

  Recovery is no longer limited to an older crowd, and actually has had a growing young community for decades. Most young people who are addicts and alcoholics that are early in recovery usually do not know what to expect out of joining this community, and there are plenty of surprises in sobriety that you . . . . Continue Reading

When Healthy Eating Becomes Extreme: Orthorexia

We’ve all heard of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa but, there’s a new eating disorder condition that’s becoming more understood as of late: orthorexia nervosa. Just like other eating disorders, orthorexia has to do with extreme, patterned eating but it’s distinct from these other, longer-established disorders in a major way. What is Orthorexia Nervosa? In . . . . Continue Reading

Women’s Drug Rehab in Stowe, VT

Women’s Drug Rehab in Stowe, VT: Why a Women’s Only Facility There are many aspects of women’s drug rehab in Stowe, VT that identify with both personal and social issues specific to women. So when it comes to getting treatment for their substance abuse and addiction, it only makes it easier for most women to . . . . Continue Reading

8 Signs Your Eating is Disordered

Disordered eating is its own diagnosis and is sort of an umbrella term to describe a wide range of irregular eating behaviors that don’t fit the specific and narrow criteria for certain, already established eating disorders, like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. You’re eating habits might be considered disordered if they mirror several but not . . . . Continue Reading

Physical Hunger vs. Emotional Hunger

Did you know that there are different types of hunger? Namely, physical hunger and emotional hunger. Physical hunger is when you feel the sensation that you need to eat in order to nourish your body. Emotional hunger, on the other hand, is not real hunger. It may feel like hunger but, really it’s a way . . . . Continue Reading

3 Ways Society’s Body Image Expectations are Completely Unrealistic

I remember having a bunch of different Barbie dolls when I was younger; Barbie could be a gymnast, a career woman, an astronaut or a fashionista but one thing she could never be is someone with a realistic body shape. This is something that has caused a lot of disapproval towards Mattel over the years. . . . . Continue Reading

Ke$ha’s Mom Opens Up About Daughter’s Eating Disorder

It hasn’t even been a month since the news that 26-year-old pop star Ke$ha (known for songs Tik-Tok and Timber) checked herself into a treatment center for her eating disorder issues. About a week later, her mother Pebe Sebert checked into rehab for herself for PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Recently, Ke$ha’s mother has opened up . . . . Continue Reading

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