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4 Science-Backed Ways to Boost Your Willpower

    Willpower can be an incredibly hard thing to maintain, especially when you are surrounded by temptation. When your willpower is depleted, it makes  it difficult to always make the right decisions. However, learning the tools to self-control helps you in achieving those milestones you always wanted. Fortunately, there are techniques that help in . . . . Continue Reading

8 Ways to Fight Sugar Addiction and Live a Healthier Life

The idea of sugar being an addiction may be hard for many to grasp, especially for those in recovery. However, Americans are consuming an average of 160 pounds of refined sugar per person a year. Refined sugar is actually considered by cardiovascular researchers to have properties similar to cocaine. In fact, a 2012 study in . . . . Continue Reading

Why Good Nutrition is So Important in Recovery

The drug addiction epidemic has become worse in numbers each year. At this point, almost everyone is affected by addiction in some way. Drugs like alcohol, nicotine, heroin, and marijuana have various negative effects on the body and nutrition. However, the prevention of drug addiction, according to a recent article, will not occur unless we focus . . . . Continue Reading

YouTube Shown to Help With Eating Disorder Recovery

If you are worried about the over-saturation of “pro-ana” videos on the internet getting to your child, you might not have much to worry about. It turns out that sites like YouTube actually promote eating disorder recovery, rather than harm. A Norwegian study found that people opposed to the scary “pro-Ana” videos that try to glorify . . . . Continue Reading

Why Adequate Mental Health Care in Universities is Crucial

Entering college can be a stressful time for students. The first time arriving on campus brings new experiences, new responsibilities, and yes, stress. For many, the stress is just a building block of life and they are able to move forward and grow from it. However, for some students, the change can be overwhelming and affect . . . . Continue Reading

Shawn Johnson Admits Struggles with Eating Disorder

As a huge gymnastics fan, I was totally shocked to hear that 2008’s U.S. Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson had struggled with an eating disorder. The fit muscular athlete was strong and powerful at the 2008 Olympics, but it turns out Johnson’s muscular built made her very self-conscious in a sport where slim and graceful is . . . . Continue Reading

Your Body Type May Determine if You Binge Eat

Your body type may be why you are a binge eater… That’s right! According to a new study from Drexel University, certain body types make a person more likely to binge eat.  This is the first investigation to make the connection between body fat distribution, body image and disordered body image. The study published in . . . . Continue Reading

Virtual Reality Could Help Women With Eating Disorders Improve Body Image

As someone who had an eating disorder in my teenage years, I was surprised to read this new study. Swapping bodies in the virtual world is now being considered as a legitimate treatment for aiding in the recovery of eating disorders. Wait, what?! I don’t think even The Jetsons could have predicted this one… According . . . . Continue Reading

Overeating Could be Due to Brain Chemistry Malfunction

Halloween just passed and some of us may have overstuffed on candy. Do you ever wonder why some people crave and eat way more junk than others? Why is it that some people have incredible control over their diet and others are out of control? Struggling with out-of-control eating can feel like an addiction and . . . . Continue Reading

Anorexia is Not Just About Control, It’s an Ingrained Habit

A new study suggests that much of what we know about anorexia is wrong. Anorexia may not be about control but habits the brain can’t seem to let go.  The study delves in the decision-making process that those with anorexia tackle on a daily basis. Control was a word repeated to me countlessly during my . . . . Continue Reading

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