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Why Women’s Substance Abuse Treatment is Better

If you do some research on women and addiction you will find that studies state that about forty percent of the nation’s addicted people are women. So, that leads to the question: why women’s substance abuse treatment is better? Women’s substance abuse treatment pertains specifically to the needs of women and is great because it . . . . Continue Reading

Dual Diagnosed Women

Dual Diagnosed Women Defined Dual diagnosis or comorbidity are both terms that are used in the medical profession that mean a person has two medical conditions occurring at the same time. Often, these terms are specifically used in the addictions field and mean that the patient has both a substance abuse or addiction issue and . . . . Continue Reading

Florida Women’s Rehab

Florida Women’s Rehab: Withdrawal Syndrome The biggest complication that keeps women from getting clean is the dread of withdrawal symptoms. Several women who are addicted to drugs and alcohol will continue their addictive behavior long after they want to quit, simply to escape the excruciating symptoms that withdrawal contains, not knowing that there are Florida . . . . Continue Reading

Dual Diagnosis Women’s Treatment Center

When looking for a Dual Diagnosis Women’s Treatment Center, it is always best to do your research and get medical advice. This type of treatment can be very effective and is definitely needed with certain cases. Sometimes, just getting help for your alcohol and drug addiction isn’t enough. Some people have other mental disorders such . . . . Continue Reading

5 Reasons You Should Go To a Women’s Treatment Center

You should go to a women’s treatment center because women are more likely than men to face multiple barriers to accessing substance abuse treatment and are less likely to seek treatment. Women also tend to seek care in mental health or primary care settings rather than in specialized treatment programs, which may contribute to poorer . . . . Continue Reading

Florida Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center

Dual diagnosis is a term that refers to patients who have both a mental health disorder and substance abuse disorder. Some addicts and alcoholics are not only dealing with the struggle of addiction, but also with a mental disorder like depression, bipolar, schizophrenia or anxiety. Out of about 8 million Americans over the age of 18 with . . . . Continue Reading

Love and Sex Addiction Treatment

Believe it or not love and sex can be addictive. Love and sex can also be destructive. Well, at least socially, love and sex can be destructive. Love and sex can become compulsive just like substance abuse

Dual Diagnosis Issues Among Baby Boomers May Break the System

Every year, there are more seniors banking on America’s Social Security and Medicare system than the year before, a trend that is projected to continue.

Do You Need Dual Diagnosis Rehab? Drug Abuse Mimics Depression and Delirium

Both depression and delirium are mental health disorders that require treatment – but in those who are living with a substance abuse and seek treatment, both issues can be a part of detox and recovery. Whether you are actively using your drug of choice or attempting to kick the habit, you can experience symptoms that . . . . Continue Reading

Are Infertility Rates Connected to Rates of Alcoholism and Mental Disorders?

Infertility is an emotional rollercoaster for many women who find themselves faced with the inability to conceive a child. A new study conducted in Denmark and presented at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Istanbul is showing the stress from this experience may cause additional mental health concerns.

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