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Methamphetamine and Pregnancy

Methamphetamine is a horrible street drug being used across America. It is one of the most quickly addictive and highly damaging drugs around. Meth addiction in a pregnant woman hurt more than just a woman. Let’s take a look at some of the problems a pregnant woman can expect if she uses meth.

Drug Addiction And The Nervous System

The thrill of a drug rush keeps drug addicts coming back for more. The fuzzy edges of reality keep alcoholics drinking beyond control. These effects from drug and alcohol are signals from the body’s nervous system. Eventually, this vital system of neurons and neurotransmitters suffers significant damage. Because this is an important method of communication within the body, damage eventually affects many bodily functions we take for granted each day.

The Value of Group Drug Treatment

Perhaps the last thing a woman with an addiction wants is for everyone to know about her problems. Yet at the same time, this hurting woman wants to be a part of a caring group. These opposing forces can make it difficult for a woman to get started in drug rehab. But once she understands the value of group interaction in drug treatment, she can begin a better life connected with others.

Risks of Binge Drinking

Binge drinking is a clear sign of alcohol abuse if not alcoholism. Yet it is so accepted by many as a normal part of socializing with alcohol. Very few people seem to understand how dangerous it really is. Read on to learn about some very real risks of binge drinking.

Planning Your Transition From Drug Rehab To Home

If you are about to enter a drug rehab center, you may already be thinking about when you can go home. That would be pretty normal, especially since the drug rehab experience will require some adjustment. But don’t forget that coming back home won’t be a snap either. You will have gotten used to the drug rehab schedule, format, support, and regimen. To make a smooth transition home, you will need to do some planning with your drug rehab counselor. The following lists a few questions you’ll want to consider during this process.

Group Dynamics In Drug Rehab For Women

It’s one thing to add a woman’s touch to a drug rehab center. It’s another thing entirely to make a drug rehab center just for women and their needs. That’s exactly what the Orchid Recovery Center has done. It puts a strong emphasis on the community within the drug and alcohol rehab programs and the group dynamic that moves the treatment process.

Four Warning Signs of Alcohol Addiction

Drinking may be such a part of your daily life, you don’t even notice how abnormal your use is. Do you check out happy hour several times a week? Are there times after you drink when you can’t remember a thing that happened? Do you say you’re just going to “have a few” but then end up hiding or covering up your excessive drinking? If you said yes to any of these questions, you may have a problem with alcohol. Take a closer look at four signs of possible alcoholism.

Drug Addiction Recovery A Lesson From The Olympics

The Olympics are on right now, and millions of people from countries around the world are watching. That includes some drug addicts and alcoholics. As I’ve watched the Olympics the last few days, I’ve noticed a quality that both elite Olympic athletes and people in drug addiction recovery seem to have. See if you notice the same thing as you enjoy the Olympics yourself.

Drug Rehab Four Things To Ask Yourself

You’ve been to drug rehab for three months and they say you are about ready to go home. Go home – what will that mean for you? You may find yourself asking more questions after drug rehab is over than you had at the beginning. Some of these questions can only be answered by yourself. Let’s take a look at four things to ask yourself as your drug rehab experience comes to an end.

Family Structure and Drug Addiction

One guaranteed outcome of addiction in a family is a disrupted power structure. Whether the addict in a family is a child or a parent, things always feel mixed up. Parents are supposed to be at the top of the power structure with children below. When a parent becomes addicted, some of their authority disappears. However, the family most likely feels that the addiction is really in charge of the family. Everyone has to make accommodations, everyone has to suffer, and nobody really gets what they need.

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