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Drug Addiction – Numb Feelings To Open Feelings

When you started using drugs, what do you remember about your emotions?  Did you really just wish you could forget about them?  Did they seem exaggerated or fuzzed out?  Chances are, that’s a key reason you started using drugs in the first place.  You didn’t want to be there inside yourself, and drugs offered you . . . . Continue Reading

Helping An Addict Recover – Who Is Working Harder

Your loved one been told to go to drug rehab, even though day think it’s pointless. In the end, they have been bribed and bargained with just to set foot in the drug rehab center. Will it work? Will they even stay? These are questions that float through your mind all day long. But when it comes right down to it, you need to know where the rubber hits the road. Who is really working harder during their addiction recovery, them or everyone else?

Drug Addiction – Treating Feelings Like Facts

Feelings are important for human beings, there’s no doubt about it. they are interwoven in our daily human experience from birth to death. But the thing that sets us apart from other animals is our use of higher-level thinking. Our feelings and thinking work together in unique advanced ways. But the key for success is keeping them in balance with each other. Unfortunately, people with drug addiction have a lot of trouble with this balance. Emotions often take over their lives, creating a chaotic and stressful existence.

Are You Depressed Or Just Bored In Addiction Recovery

Addiction has a lot of ups and downs – plenty of drama to go around for all. As miserable as this can be for everyone involved, it does provide for a lot of excitement and intrigue. So now that you have been to drug treatment and have been sober for a while, you have noticed your mood dipping somewhat. Things just seem to drag on, you wonder what the point is half the time. You are wondering if you’ve traded one form of misery for another.

Arrogance Will Quickly Suck You Into Addiction Relapse

You know all you need to know about staying sober, and really – those people at meetings annoy you. You don’t really need to keep going to those anymore since you’ve got it handled. And why should you stop seeing your old friends? They know you can handle it when they drink in front of you. Your drinking wasn’t that much of a problem in the first place. You could probably even drink one or two and it wouldn’t make any difference. You know who that is in your mind speaking to you? Arrogance, and he doesn’t care a bit about your sobriety.

Drug Addiction Recovery – It All Comes Down To You

Drug addiction recovery is a very personal process. Drug treatment centers provide lots of guidance, structure, and opportunities to learn. Fellow addicts in recovery can provide both support and truthful feedback. Family members can provide love and welcoming arms when drug treatment is over. But when it comes down to brass tacks, the only thing that really matters in drug recovery is your effort.

Discovering Your Self Worth With Drug Treatment

Have you been draining the spirit out of your life with drugs and alcohol? Do you wonder if you have any real purpose anymore to your life? Many drug addicts and alcoholics feel this way after a while. They just do what they need to do to survive every day. At some point, it may feel like they can’t turn back from their addiction. They’ve lived that way too long to just stop. Without their addiction, they don’t know what they would do with their life. They would feel directionless, helpless, and powerless against their own demons.

Relationship With Addiction Off To A Bad Start

Relationships are tricky things. We need them, we want them, but we often stumble around when starting them. We also tend to start relationships for the wrong reasons and under unhealthy circumstances. This is particularly the case for people with a drug or alcohol addiction. An addict may have a strong need for belonging and support, but their addiction will put the whole situation in jeopardy.

Motivation For Drug Treatment

You feel pressure to go to drug treatment, a lot of pressure. You have family members, a probation officer, your counselor, and friends all telling you the same thing. You need to go right now or you could die. While you aren’t sure that you’re ready to die, you really don’t know how you’re going to last through weeks of drug treatment either. When you’re up against a wall, what’s your real motivation for going to drug treatment?

Your Emotional Age Gets Stuck With Drug Addiction

How old are you according to your birth certificate? Have you ever had people say that you don’t act your age? Well, sometimes that isn’t a compliment. When you are an adult, people expect you to be able to act in certain ways that are more responsible and mature than teens or kids. However, so many people with drug and alcohol addiction live how their emotional age is, which is often a lot younger than their physical age. How does this happen and why does it matter?

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