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Why Women’s Substance Abuse Treatment is Better

If you do some research on women and addiction you will find that studies state that about forty percent of the nation’s addicted people are women. So, that leads to the question: why women’s substance abuse treatment is better? Women’s substance abuse treatment pertains specifically to the needs of women and is great because it . . . . Continue Reading

Big Pharma and the Rise of ADHD

You always hear your grandparents talking about how “back in their day, when a kid had ADHD he was just considered hyper,” now-a-days that isn’t the case at all. When a child or any one has ADHD it is very common practice to start them on medication. Big Pharma is the nickname given to the . . . . Continue Reading

What is a “freelapse”?

We’ve all heard of a relapse, which is defined as going back to a former state or condition, or for addicts and alcoholics – to start using or drinking again. Recently, I’ve heard the term freelapse pretty frequently, though. What is a “freelapse”? A freelapse is considered to be a free high that does not . . . . Continue Reading

Prescription Drug Rehab for Women

Although more men are dying of prescription drug overdoses, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds that women are catching up. In the last 14 years, the percentage increase in deaths has been greater for women, spiking by 400% as opposed to 265% for men. Narcotic painkillers are the most prescribed drug in . . . . Continue Reading

Are We Born Addicts and Alcoholics?

It is a common question, are addicts and alcoholics born that way? Is this disease genetic or environmental? I know that with most addicts and alcoholics, if you look at their family tree you will usually find addiction somewhere else in their family. When scientists search for addiction genes what they are actually looking for . . . . Continue Reading

Heroin Rehab for Women

Heroin Rehab for Women: Withdrawal Syndrome The main problem that keeps women from getting clean and off heroin is the dread of withdrawal symptoms. Numerous women who are addicted to heroin will endure their addictive behavior long after they want to quit, purely to escape the painful symptoms that withdrawal holds, not knowing that there . . . . Continue Reading

Florida Women’s Rehab

Florida Women’s Rehab: Withdrawal Syndrome The biggest complication that keeps women from getting clean is the dread of withdrawal symptoms. Several women who are addicted to drugs and alcohol will continue their addictive behavior long after they want to quit, simply to escape the excruciating symptoms that withdrawal contains, not knowing that there are Florida . . . . Continue Reading

Women’s Meth Addiction Treatment

In order to discuss women’s meth addiction treatment, it is vital to comprehend what meth is and how it affects the user.The term “meth” is short for methamphetamine, which is an extremely addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Methamphetamine causes increased activity and chattiness, decreased appetite, and an overall sense of well-being. Street names . . . . Continue Reading

Best Women’s Rehabs

Best Women’s Rehabs Treat Withdrawal Syndrome The main obstacle that keeps women from getting clean is the fear of withdrawal symptoms. Many women who are addicted to drugs and alcohol will continue their addictive behavior long after they want to quit, simply to avoid the painful symptoms that withdrawal involves, not knowing that there are . . . . Continue Reading

Vermont’s Heroin Epidemic

According to surveys shown in 2010 and 2011 by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Vermont leads the nation in illegal drug use per capita. That’s not particularly surprising or shocking when it comes to marijuana, but the trend of Vermont’s heroin epidemic that’s surged into the state is cause for worry and . . . . Continue Reading

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Calls to numbers on a specific treatment center listing will be routed to that treatment center. Calls to any general helpline will be answered or returned by one of the treatment providers listed, each of which is a paid advertiser: Rehab Media Group, Recovery Helpline, Alli Addiction Services.

By calling the helpline you agree to the terms of use. We do not receive any commission or fee that is dependent upon which treatment provider a caller chooses. There is no obligation to enter treatment.