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Cure for Addiction and Anxiety in Genetics

For a long time there has been a great deal of work put into trying to discover the exact link between our genetics, or mental health and our addictions. The answer has been pondered, studied, and speculated as a major factor in how we can trace and treat mental illness, behavioral impulses, and even problems . . . . Continue Reading

1 in 8 Addicted to Smartphones

At this point you may have been thoroughly convinced that smartphone addiction exists in some way or another. So many people seem to be absolutely consumed by the tiny screens in their pockets, and the plethora of social media and online gaming options that spring to life from that little device every moment of the . . . . Continue Reading

Parks and Rec Producer Harris Wittels Dies of Suspected Overdose

The media is no stranger to stories of celebrities battling with substance abuse, nor is it a stranger to tragic stories of talented and creative individuals in the entertainment world dying due to the devastation of drug addiction or afflictions associated with the persons drug abuse like Robin Williams and his battle with depression.  Now . . . . Continue Reading

Study: More Pregnant Teens Drink and Use Drugs

  There was a time in recent history when everyone smoked and no one really knew about the consequences. This goes for doctors smoking in hospitals, people smoking on airplanes, and even pregnant women smoked and even drank alcohol – completely unaware of the impact these drugs could have on their unborn children. Nowadays, though, . . . . Continue Reading

7 Reasons Why You Should Go to Rehab in the Winter

Anytime you decide you’re sick and tired of relying on alcohol and other drugs is a good time to get help. If you notice that your drug habit is ruining your relationships, causing problems at work or a loss of a job, altogether, and creating financial hardships – not to mention taking a toll on . . . . Continue Reading

6 Normie Beliefs that Add to Addiction Stigma

One of the greatest obstacles that holds an addict or alcoholic back in recovery, especially in early recovery, is stigma. The stigma against people with drug addiction is so exaggerated, that those who suffer from addiction are even more likely to face judgment than those with mental illness because according to a new study they’re seen . . . . Continue Reading

Heroin Overdose on a Rapid Rise

Nationally rates from heroin overdoses increased by over 50% in a decade, and recent polls suggest that this trend is still on the rise. While the overdose rates do vary from state to state, there is still a great amount of concern because the problem does not seem to be solving itself anytime soon. With . . . . Continue Reading

10 Best Contemporary Novels about Addiction

Here’s a list of the 10 best contemporary novels about addiction. Check them out. Reading, writing, and taking some personal time in recovery isn’t necessarily isolating. Sometimes we all just need to recharge our batteries. #1. Less Than Zero – Bret Easton Ellis Written back in 1985, this was the critically-acclaimed first novel of then . . . . Continue Reading

New Movement Gives Up Anonymity to Take Stigma Out of Addiction

Public opinion on the disease of addiction is by far misinformed and widely unnoticed as an idea based on stigma and stereotypes. Just the word addiction often stirs the imagination of those who are unfamiliar with the illness to draw all types of conclusions based on everything from racial and cultural differences to things like . . . . Continue Reading

New Drug to Treat Marijuana Addiction?

Many people still question whether or not marijuana addiction is a real problem. Some people with a substance abuse problem with marijuana are falsely under the impression that going to a drug treatment program such as rehab, you have to be using so-called hard drugs, like opiates (painkillers, heroin), cocaine, crack, or other such drugs. . . . . Continue Reading

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