Kate Moss Is At It Again
A very drunk Kate Moss talked her way onto a flight from Turkey to London on Monday night – and without a ticket. The supermodel was in the country apparently to attend a detox center. She then arrived at Bodrum Airport in southwest Turkey, “clearly inebriated.” Moss held up a long line of passengers at . . . . Continue Reading
In the News: Toronto ‘Crack Mayor’ Rob Ford to Head to Rehab After New Video Surfaces
Toronto Crack Mayor Rob Ford is in the news again but, it’s not what you think. OK, it’s partially what you think. Yes, Ford was secretly taped – yet again – as he used illicit drugs but, this latest chapter in the scandal that is Rob Ford’s life is that the mayor has finally agreed . . . . Continue Reading
7 Celebs Whose Addiction Shocked Us
via wifflegif.com *not an addict It seems as though celebrities and addiction go hand-in-hand. But, there are some celebs that are doing so extremely well that they seem to have escaped this fate. Think again. Here are 7 celebs whose addiction shocked us. Oprah Winfrey?? I was surprised to find out that Oprah Winfrey – the . . . . Continue Reading
If You Are Sober, Can You Date Someone Who Drinks? New Study Says No.
If you are sober, can you date someone who drinks? New study says no. Extreme alcohol use is often mentioned as a cause during a divorce or break-up, but a new study proposes that booze itself might not be at fault, but rather the dissimilar drinking patterns of the couple. Research done by Kenneth E. . . . . Continue Reading
The 7 Most Inspiring Celebrity Comebacks (Besides RDJ)
When you think of the classic rise-from-the-ashes story, Robert Downey, Jr. is probably the first celebrity name that comes to mind. RDJ, as his name is affectionately abbreviated, was synonymous with drug abuse and addiction. Today, however, RDJ is sitting pretty. He has re-built his image and career – to even greater than before. He . . . . Continue Reading
8 Female Celebs Who Overcame Addiction
It’s important (and helpful) to know that there’s life after addiction. Here are 8 female celebs who overcame addiction and are proving that success – both professional and personal – is possible. Be inspired, ladies… #1. Oprah Winfrey She is one of the most successful Black, female celebrities of all time and perhaps one of . . . . Continue Reading
How Celebs are Changing the Way We View Recovery
It’s difficult admitting you have an addiction and if you backslide in your recovery, known as a relapse, it’s hard to face family, friends, other loved ones and especially yourself. Now imagine you are a celebrity and therefore always in the spotlight. This means that, even when you are not being featured in the next . . . . Continue Reading
6 Celebrity Faces Destroyed By Drugs
Of course time and even plastic surgery can tend to age your face but, nothing does the trick like good ol’ drugs and alcohol. As is often the case, fame and drugs go hand-in-hand. While some stars might dabble in the party favors, others fell down the deep, dark hole of addiction and it certainly . . . . Continue Reading
Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Death Shows Us That Knowledge Means Nothing
With the recent passing of Philip Seymour Hoffman, it just goes to show all of us addicts that when it comes to being sober and in recovery – knowledge means nothing! As addicts and alcoholics, we are very intelligent people but that will only get us so far and sometimes can even be negative for . . . . Continue Reading
10 Female Celebrities You Probably Didn’t Know Were in Recovery
When you’re struggling with an addiction or working at your recovery from an addiction, it’s good to know that you’re not alone. And, it helps to know that there is life after active addiction. Here are 10 female celebrities you probably didn’t know were in recovery to inspire you right now. Oprah Winfrey Now one . . . . Continue Reading