Ontario Government Invests $15 Million in Helping Pregnant Women Fight Drug Addiction
The epidemic of prescription drug addiction is not just a problem in the United States; the Canadian government is also struggling with helping its citizens overcome the issue – especially its smallest citizens.
Can Breakups Help You Get Clean and Sober?
Some people say that hitting “rock bottom” is a necessary evil — that it’s the only way that an addict will recognize that they have to go through the hard work of drug addiction treatment to get sober. Because recovery isn’t easy, the theory is that extreme loss can convince someone to keep going when . . . . Continue Reading
New Dosages for Buprenorphine Approved
Buprenorphine is the latest drug to be approved for the treatment of opiate addiction – and the only drug FDA-approved for no other medical purpose. It is also unique because it can be prescribed by a qualified physician and taken by the patient at home, unlike methadone and other drugs that must be taken daily in the presence of medical professional.
The FDA Loses Fight Over New Cigarette Labels
One of the tobacco industry’s giants, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, did not want to see their bottom line affected by graphic images and took the FDA to court. Recently, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of R.J. Reynolds, upholding a decision handed down by a federal district court earlier in the year.
12-Steps Series, Part IV: Do You Have to Go to 12-Step Meetings to Succeed in Sobriety?
Can you do well in recovery and avoid relapse without attending 12-step meetings? Does taking part in 12-step groups guarantee that you will stay clean and sober?
12-Steps Series, Part III: Are 12-Step Programs a Cult?
In the last couple of posts, we looked at the value of 12-step groups as well as alternative groups that can provide the support you get from Alcoholics Anonymous without some of the rules or restrictions. But what happens when you get so overwhelmed by the value of 12-steps that you become almost a cult follower?
12-Steps Series, Part II: Alternatives to AA
Thousands of people say that attending meetings and working the steps saved their lives. However, there are just as many people who say that the Christian overtones and “God talk” are off-putting and look to other support groups that provide similar benefits without incorporating religion or spirituality.
12-Steps Series, Part I: What Alcoholics Anonymous Has to Offer
In “the rooms,” as 12-step meetings are often referred to by participants, people have the opportunity to process through their past relationship with drugs and alcohol and learn how to make better choices in the future. How does it work? How do groups like Alcoholics Anonymous help you to fight back against the temptation to relapse?
Sparkle Actress Says Whitney Houston Helped Her Develop Drug Addict Character
One of the story lines in the film is the drug addiction that Ejogo’s character develops. In an interview with the New York Post, Ejogo said that during filming, Houston took her under her wing and shared some very intimate details of her own experience with drugs and addiction in an effort to help Ejogo really bring the character to life.
Stay on Top of Your Recovery by Staying in Shape and Losing Weight
When you’re struggling to avoid cravings, work through old emotional issues, treat co-occurring mental health disorders, and learn how to live life with a completely different perspective, you need to grab every resource at your disposal to make the process as smooth as possible.