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CA Town to Crack Down on Unregulated Marijuana Clubs

It’s a constant struggle in states where marijuana is legalized for medical uses: the state sanctions the sale and distribution of marijuana and the federal government comes in periodically to investigate and make sure that everything is on the up and up. In California, it was a regular occurrence – until the federal government decided that it was a waste of money to continue the practice. But one California town has decided to pick up where the feds left off. Officials in Vallejo are making unregulated marijuana clubs a priority. They are making sure to let purveyors of the substance know that no infractions of the rules will be permitted under any circumstances.

Currently, it is estimated that there are about 24 unregulated medical marijuana clubs open for business within the city limits of Vallejo. In an effort to crack down, the Vallejo city council has ordered the city’s law enforcement to take measures to begin immediately regulating these dispensaries. Taxation is also in the works as is a plan to limit the number of marijuana dispensaries allowed to operate within the cities.

The Value of Regulation of Medical Marijuana

Though some might resent the intrusion of law enforcement, others appreciate the regulation brought by a continued official presence. Standardization brought to the industry ensures that patients receive a product that will help heal. It’s important for patients to be able to view marijuana dispensaries as similar to pharmacies rather than as a social diversion as implied by the term “marijuana club.”

Scrutiny of medical marijuana dispensaries also assists the community. Many parents and community members worry that a multitude of medical marijuana clubs will mean that access to the drug is easier for teens and those without a medical marijuana card. Increased regulation and security measures will make it harder for those without a prescription to get the drug.

The Problem with Medical Marijuana

No matter how heavily regulated the medical marijuana dispensaries are, there will still be patients who have a marijuana card and abuse it by buying more than they need in order to resell it for profit. Others will serve their own addiction by manipulating a prescription for the drug – it happens with other prescription drugs every day. It might be a good idea to take the regulation a step further, providing patients with prescriptions and dosages rather than just a medical marijuana card and a maximum allowable number of plants and pounds defined by city ordinances rather than personal need. If followed by a statewide marijuana prescription database like the prescription drug databases being implemented across the country, they might have a shot at making sure that medical marijuana doesn’t lead to rampant marijuana addiction.

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