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Balancing Motherhood and Crystal Meth Addiction Recovery

You have kids at home who need you to make sure they are safe, be there after school, maybe get them to school and back, help with homework, drive them to different activities, make meals, get them to doctor appointments, and put them to bed. All the responsibilities and heavy scheduling related to motherhood may even have played a part in the development of your crystal meth addiction in the first place. Now that you’ve gone to crystal meth rehab and began the process of healing from addiction, the real work begins: learning how to live everyday with all the stresses and commitments you had before but without abusing crystal meth.

Prioritizing Presence in Motherhood

When you abuse crystal meth, your mind is no longer your own. You don’t remember things as clearly later and may find it difficult to do the multi-tasking that is so often required during motherhood. While your initial energy may be higher, your mood often plummets when the drug begins to wear off or after a long period of continuous use. This is hard on you and on your kids and creates an unstable environment.

Instead of trying to force a full schedule, prioritize being present for your child. Take the time to do an art project or cook something together, work in the garden or draw on the sidewalk with chalk. Your child will value this time together just as much – if not more – than driving from one activity to the next.
Your mental presence and emotional availability means the world to your child, so if you have to cut out a few activities to make sure that homework is attended to and you get more time to just be with your children, then do it.

Make Time for Your Own Mental Health

Being present with your kids is important and it’s true that there’s quite a laundry list of things that you need to keep up with in order to make sure that they are cared for. You don’t need crystal meth to make those things happen; what you need is the time to regenerate your energy is a way that is healthful and positive so that you will be in high spirits and more focused naturally.

This means eating right, working out or going for walks on a regular basis, taking time to meet with friends for coffee, getting to the doctor regularly – basic care for yourself that keeps your mind and body in tip-top shape. When you feel better physically and have time to yourself, you can be more relaxed and giving with the time you spend with your kids – and not feel as if you need crystal meth to get you through the day.

Crystal Meth Rehab for Women

If you are living with an active addiction to crystal meth, contact us at The Orchid today. We provide woman-centered treatment that will help you create a life for yourself and your family that will sustain you all for years to come.

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