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Are You Ready for Drug Rehab?

Going to drug rehab is usually about the last thing a woman with an addiction wants to do.  They don’t want to be in a facility, or have others know “their business”, or just don’t want to face the depth of their problem.  Sometimes rehab is the only thing left to do.  How do you know when it’s time to go?

Life Hurts Too Much With Drug Addiction

Pain – that’s what you feel in your heart so much of the time.  The whole reason you starting using drugs was to make the pain go away.  But all you see around you is more pain instead of less.  For a while it worked.  You numbed out and the world went away.  Now the drug doesn’t do much for you, and you need more just to breathe and walk around each day.  Any moment you don’t get your fix in time you go through anguish, agony, and desperation. 

When you get your drug hit, everything becomes at least tolerable.  But what kind of life do you have anymore?  You’ve let go of your dreams, your ambition, even your closest relationships.  All of it is gone, and you know it’s because the drugs have sucked them all away.  The drugs have taken over and become the center of your life, your life of pain and hiding.  How much longer can you endure the pain?  Will you let it consume you, or choose a drug rehab for women and give yourself an honest chance at life?

Love Is Not Enough to Overcome Your Addiction

You love your kids with everything in your body and heart.  You have made some tough choices to give them a better life, but you know you haven’t done enough.  You want so much to be a mom they respect as they grow older, a mom they love to be with.  You would do anything for your kids.  Except the one thing they want the most you can’t seem to give them – staying sober

No matter what you have done to quit using drugs, you seem to get hooked again.  You let yourself get lost in the excuses and self loathing, knowing you have failed them yet again.  You have glimmers of hope that you’ll get it right this time and stay clean.  But you know the drug addiction demon is close behind you, ready to strike you down when you try to change.  Your love for them, their love for you – it’s just not enough to overcome the drug addiction. 

You Are Afraid Your Addiction Will Kill You

You’ve heard the stories, maybe been too close a few times yourself.  Your mortality has never been more clear to you than it is right now.  Any time you use, it could be your last.  A drug overdose is so easy, and you never know if you’ve gone too far until it’s too late.  After that, you’re just lucky to be alive. 

How many more times will you cut it close to the line before you become that unfortunate one that had an overdose?  Will your family find you dead after several days?  Where will you be when you overdose, and will anyone help you?  You know you can either keep taking the chance or go to drug rehab and turn it around.

What Would Make You Go To Rehab

If you are facing drug rehab, what has pushed you to change your life around?  Is it one of the reasons mentioned, or something altogether different?

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