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Alcohol Hits Women Harder

You may have heard the joke that women are often alcohol “lightweights”.  Well, this actually does have some truth to it.  It also means that women can get addicted to alcohol and suffer long term health problems more readily than men.  Sadly, many women don’t seek alcohol rehab right away, allowing more time for alcohol to do serious damage.  Learn why you might be at risk for trouble if you are a woman and a heavy drinker. 

Different Body Types Mean Alcohol Has Different Effect

Women metabolize alcohol differently than men do.  They generally have a higher percentage of fat than men do.  This means a woman’s body has less water than a man’s body.  When a woman drinks an alcoholic beverage, the alcohol is less diluted as it circulates around.  The impact is stronger and can be done with fewer beverages. 

Women also genreally have less of an enzyme that helps metabolize alcohol in the digestive system.  The hormonal cycles of women can affect how quickly a woman becomes intoxicated.  Any sort of hormone-related medication would have similar effects. 

Long Term Health Problems From Alcohol

As you could guess by now, a woman gets a bigger bang for her buck when it comes to drinking alcohol.  The serious problem is that her health also takes a bigger hit and in less time.  When a person’s general health and well being goes into decline, there seems to be a domino effect with more serious health problems. 

Heart problems affect circulation, circulation affects blood pressure, blood pressure affects activity level, activity level affects mood, mood affects appetite, etc, etc.  This can be bad enough when caused by less controlled factors like genetics or injury.  When a woman continues to drink while the deterioration progresses, it can seem like problems are never ending. 

Lifelong Affects of Alcohol Addiction

Unfortunately, many women do not make the connection between their heavy drinking and health problems until the situation is bad.  While many conditions can improve when drinking stops, some health problems are not reversible.  Another problem with gaining sobriety is that women face a significant stigma with seeking alcohol treatment.  Women are supposed to have fun and party, but they are also chastised as being weak when looking for help. 

In the end, heavy alcohol use will negatively affect a woman’s physical health, mental health, and social involvement.  Since these are all vital aspects of a woman’s life, her entire life direction and sense of purpose can be smothered by an addiction.

Alcohol Rehab Can Help Better Later Than Never

Alcohol rehab can provide hope for your health as a woman.  Even if you have seen some serious changes in your health, any amount of sobriety is better than none at all.  When you stop drinking, your body can have its best shot at restoring itself.  It’s not too late – alcohol rehab is your hope for a healthy future.  You can enjoy your life with healthier habits and renewed hope when you go to alcohol rehab.

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