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Alcohol and Womens Emotions

The overuse and misuse of alcohol is rampant today in the United States.  People of all ages are drinking in risky ways, leading to family problems, injuries, addictions, and even death.  Certainly, not every person who drinks alcohol abuses it or develops alcoholism.  However, alcohol has the potential to do serious damage to both women and men, girls and boys.

Alcoholism or Alcohol Abuse

You can tell alcohol abuse from alcoholism in a few clear ways.  Alcohol abuse is harmful but generally not life devastating, or can be more limited to events rather than established destructive patterns.  This can include being irresponsible with commitments, putting oneself or others at risk (such as driving while intoxicated), and legal problems.

Alcoholism involves drug seeking behavior (rearranging activities and money in order to constantly get an alcohol supply), and preoccupation with drinking or drinking activities, harmful changes to many areas of a person’s life, an ever increasing need for more alcohol to feel drunk or “wasted”, and a very high tolerance to the effects of alcohol.

For the moment, I’ll use the term “women” to include the millions of girls who begin drinking in their childhood or teen years.  It is known that alcohol affects women differently than men.  Unfortunately, alcohol does damage to women more easily and with smaller amounts than for men.  Women are also more at risk for health problems resulting from heavy drinking such as high blood pressure, cirrhosis of the liver, poor nutrition, and a much higher risk for breast cancer.

Alcohol Rehab for Women Gives Hope

Alcoholism is a disease, and diseases tend not to cure themselves.  If alcohol has devastated your life or the life of a woman you care about, it’s time to get some help.  you may have pride, shame, low self-worth, or other emotions preventing you from reaching out to someone.  It’s OK to have these feelings, and it doesn’t mean you are undeserving of help.  Women and men handle emotions differently and the occupy a different lace in women’s and men’s lives.

Men certainly have complicated emotions and can feel them strongly like women do.  However, women’s brains are designed to be more highly attuned to emotions all the time.  It’s no wonder a woman can feel so trapped by strong overpowering negative feelings like shame or worthlessness.  These feelings can keep a woman from doing something sensible and reasonable like getting help for alcoholism.

The staff at Orchid Recovery Center understand that just starting to get help can be so hard to do.  It is the most important step for beginning your recovery.  Alcohol rehab for women is here for you at the Orchid Recovery Center.  It is a one-of-a-kind alcohol rehab center in Florida designed around the specific needs of women with addiction.  Where other drug rehab centers and treatment methods have failed women, this facility offers new hope.

Your Thoughts

What kind of emotions have you felt the strongest during your addiction?  Did any of those feelings keep you from seeking help on your own?

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